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An announcement like that is like the punch line to a joke. It requires a proper setup.

Still, I thought Yuna would have at least said something along the lines of how she met a hot-ass model turned actor, but maybe her mom’s spent all this time going over the hundred candidates and Yuna never got a chance.

“Please, call me Declan,” I say with a friendly smile. “Mr. Winters is so formal.”

Her mom’s eyebrows twitch, but she puts on a gracious mask quickly. “And you know my daughter because…?”

“She came to work for me. Still does. Work, I mean.” I glance at Yuna to see if she wants to add to this. Something about how we’re in a relationship.

But she doesn’t get the opportunity.

“Interesting,” her mother says. “She’s never done such work before.” Mild disapproval ripples underneath the smooth words.

What is this about? Does she want to know how good Yuna is? I thought the bet was between her and her brother, not her mother.

Anyway, if this is part of Yuna needing to prove her independence to her family, I can lay it on thick. After all, I don’t want her family telling her what to do. Or who to marry.

“I’m always surprised when I’m reminded of how little experience she has,” I begin. “She’s been invaluable. The best assistant I’ve ever had.”

Yuna beams. “Thank you.”

Yuna’s mom doesn’t look pleased. Not that she looks displeased. There’s nothing overt in her expression, like she’s done so much Botox she can’t quite move the small muscles. But I can tell she isn’t thrilled. It’s a subtle shift in her body language.

“Is that so?” she says. “But if you think she’s that good, her replacement will be even better.”

Her replacement? Did Yuna’s mom not hear what I said?

“Yuna has other obligations,” she adds. “She wasn’t supposed to get a job, and I apologize for the misunderstanding. But I know a good assistant isn’t easy to find. So I’m willing to have Ms. Kim take care of your needs until a permanent replacement can be found.”

Ms. Kim to take care of my needs? Who the heck is that?

“Ms. Kim’s been working for Yuna for a long time,” Yuna’s mom adds. “She’s one of the most capable assistants our family employs.”

Yuna says something to her mom in Korean. They go back and forth for a while.

Hopefully, Yuna’s saying how much she adores me because we’re dating. And her mom’s saying it’s wonderful because Yuna needs a good man in her life.

Okay, so their tone is a bit terse and staccato, but it might be a cultural thing. Koreans could always sound like they’re arguing, even when they’re praising something to the skies.

Should I speak up? Yuna probably doesn’t need my help. She isn’t the type to let people bulldoze over her, and she knows what she wants. She isn’t going to dump me to marry that guy in the picture… If she were the type to give in that easily, she would’ve never left Korea in the first place.

Suddenly, the Korean conversation stops. Yuna’s mother narrows her eyes at me. “You’re dating my daughter as well?”

“Yes, ma’am.” My voice is steady. So is my gaze. I’m proud to be dating Yuna, and I’m not about to hide it. I even add a smile.

For some reason, it doesn’t work its magic on Yuna’s mom. She doesn’t smile back. “I see. It’s best if you terminate the relationship.”

I almost choke on my own spit. Yuna gazes at her mom like she’s gone full Hulk. Well. Her mom is like the Hulk. Not the nice, controlled Hulk that takes photos with kids, but the really mean one that flips cars and smashes buildings because things aren’t going the way he wants.

“Shouldn’t that be up to us?” Who the hell does she think she is, trying to boss us around? If she cuts Yuna off, I’m going to support her one hundred percent and buy her all the dresses and shoes she wants. So go ahead! Make your best threat!

“Normally, yes. But you’re a celebrity.”

So she knows who I am. Guess Yuna must’ve told her during their Korean conversation. Which makes her reaction even weirder—in my experience, women love my fame. And the fortune that comes with it. Yuna’s family not being impressed with my money is understandable. But fame? That’s a valuable currency.

“If my daughter wants love, I can accept it up to a point. But a celebrity? That’s…” She stops. Her lips are pulled tightly shut. She isn’t at a loss for words. She doesn’t want to say more because whatever she’s going to say isn’t going to be nice.

“I assure you, ma’am, it’s my fame that’s going to help me treat Yuna to a nice life,” I say, doing my best to be polite. I don’t quite understand what her problem is here, but maybe there’s some cultural element to it. I’m not going to antagonize her until I know more.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance