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“Oh, yeah… That asshole.” I try to nod, but my head feels a little woozy. I flap my hand up and down instead. “He’s a special kind of asshole. Camouflaged. Acted like he supported my career. Do you know my previous ex didn’t even try? He dumped me because I missed two dates. Two! You understand? Two!”

“Uh-huh. Two.”

“Two! Another asshole! Who does that?”

“Wow,” Emmett says as we step outside, his arm around my waist.

Since he’s humoring me, I decide to let him hold me, ostensibly so he doesn’t fall on his face. To be honest, I think he’s hanging on to me to finally cop a feel, but I’m in a generous mood. And it’s better that he’s clinging. It stokes my female ego, which I think was grieving because Emmett thought I wasn’t worth a second helping. Not that I should be going for that. Right?

It’s hard to sort my emotions when I’m tipsy. Wondering about how I’m going to find another guy who can give me a similarly incredible orgasm is making my head hurt.

So I shut off my logic and just let myself enjoy having Emmett around. He’s warm, and he smells amazing, seeping into my senses with all that sexy male pheromone stuff.

The air feels cooler and slightly smoggy. But I’m outside and I’m free! Yay, El Lay! There’s a huge star above us. I stare at it, wondering why it’s moving across the dark sky. Maybe it’s alive!

No, wait. It’s a plane. Man, I wanna fly somewhere warm and pretty. With a beach and plentiful pineapple margaritas.

And no Rick. Definitely not that bastard.

“Next time you see him, I hope you toss him out a window,” Emmett says.

I giggle. For some reason, what he’s saying is really funny. Maybe Emmett’s right that I’ve had too much to drink. “No. No tossing people out of windows. I don’t want to go to jail. But anyway, that’s why I thought Rick cared. He didn’t dump me just for missing a couple of dates.”

“Rick doesn’t care about you. He’s been busy using photos and stories about dates he had with you to build his platform and make money.”

I squint at Emmett. “What? Are you saying he’s been using me to make money?”

He sighs. “That’s exactly what I just said. You can probably sue him for some kind of alimony.”

Ew. Alimony makes it sound like Rick is more than just a failed boyfriend to me. “We were dating, not married.”

“Yes. And I’m pretty sure you didn’t sign any release form or disclosure that would allow him to monetize your time together.”

He’s right! I try to snap my fingers but can’t get them to work. So I just say it. “You’re right.” My throat feels parched. Damn it. Why do I have to be overcome with thirst when I’m not in a bar anymore? Wish I had something to drink…

Emmett puts me into a shiny Lamborghini. It’s green, which has to be his favorite color because it represents money.

“No, it isn’t an association with money.” He makes sure I’m properly strapped in, then goes to take his seat behind the wheel and hands me a bottle of water.

“Heeeey, thanks! How did you know?”

“I can read minds, remember?”

“Oh yeah…” It doesn’t hurt to indulge his quirky and cute insistence he can read my mind, especially when I’m in a pretty good mood. I struggle with the cap. Emmett takes the bottle, twists it open, then hands it back to me. “Thanks. Wonder if I can sue.”

“Sue who? Me?” He starts the car.

“No, Rick.” The engine roars like a dragon waking up. It makes me feel powerful. No wonder Daenerys Targaryen rode dragons in Game of Thrones. They were the ultimate power cars of the fantasy world. “For making money off me. What he’s done is inequitable.” There. Can’t be that drunk, because I said the word without stumbling over it.

“Inequ—?” Emmett frowns, then shakes his head. “Never mind. You sh

ould. Sue him, that is. By the way, where do you live?”

Does he want to come in? He isn’t looking at me like he wants to devour me. And he’s definitely not holding his dick in his hand and moaning my name.

So probably not.

“Directions?” he says. “To your place?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance