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“I love her, son. She’s the only woman for me. Don’t you love your own mother?”

“Used to.” I hang up before he can ask more asinine questions, and I become so furious that I throw my phone against the wall. That won’t solve anything.

I get up and pace to get rid of the surging anger, then, when that isn’t enough, drop and do some push-ups. I don’t want to face Jo while I’m still upset over the call from Dad. She deserves better.

When I finally feel calmer, I stop and get up. Jo is looking at me through the doorway. From her sleepy expression, she probably just got here, which is good. It means she missed my argument with Dad.

She’s so adorable, her long hair tousled, her dark brown eyes drooping a little. A robe is wrapped around her, and it’s made with the same silky pink material as the nightgown.

“You move quietly,” I say, smiling.

She steps inside. “Bare feet. And this place doesn’t creak. You getting in a little early-morning exercise?”

I go to Jo and wrap my arms around her, placing a kiss on the crown of her head. She smells like warm, well-rested woman and expensive floral and citrus perfume. Holding her soothes my temper, and I tighten up for a second before letting her go. “This place better not creak, not for what I paid.”

“Jorge would approve.”

“Really?” Jorge is Hugo’s oldest brother, if I’m remembering right.

“He’s a general contractor and builder who deals mostly with luxury construction.” She looks at the phone I left on my desk. “Oh, and Dr. Silverman’s office contacted me just now.”

“They’re up this early?” I know city people like to stay busy, but this is a bit much. It’s barely seven.

“It was from an automated system. She has a cancellation and can see us today at ten if that’s okay with you.”

“It’s fine with me. But what about your schedule?”

Jo shrugs. “Client emergencies can wait, and I can reschedule today’s consultation for later.”

I reach out and hold her hand in mine. Even though she said it casually, I don’t think it’s her general policy to ignore client emergencies. The PI’s report said her professional reputation is stellar.

Jo’s life is changing because of my baby in her womb. I’m going to do all that I can to ensure she’s always happy and taken care of.

Chapter Thirty-Six


After a simple and rather lazy breakfast of yogurt and berries for me and a bagel and lox for him, Edgar drives us to Dr. Silverman’s office. He’s put on a suit. It’s dark navy, tailored to fit his body perfectly. I couldn’t have picked better for a conservative, masculine look.

I’m in a white top and a pale blue skirt with matching pearlescent azure stilettos. Must enjoy my favorite clothes and shoes before I get too big for them.

I look at my ankles closely. Are they a little swollen? It’s impossible to tell. Maybe I should start tracking my ankle size with a tape measure.

“What’s wrong? Shoes uncomfortable?” Edgar asks, when I run my hand over my ankles again. “We can stop by a store to get you a pair of flats.”

“No,” I say, horrified. “This isn’t the kind of dress you can pair with flats. I was just wondering if my legs look swollen.”

The car stops at the red light. Edgar’s gaze skims my calves. My bare skin prickles, and shivers go up my spine.

Oh my.

“They look fantastic to me. Not at all swollen.” A pause. “Do you want me to feel them to be sure?”

Any other guy, I’d think he was just flirting. But with Edgar…

When he says it so somberly, I can’t decide if he’s just being mildly salacious or making a serious offer. And if he is serious, and wants to feel my legs… Well, I like his hands on me. I loved the way he hugged me and kissed me this morning. It was just a peck on the head, but it felt so affectionate and sweet. Something you give family—someone you care deeply about.

Does this mean our relationship could evolve into something more soon?

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance