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Of course Yuna won’t give up. “It’s complicated,” I say.

“He didn’t try to convince you?”

Her urgency is kind of puzzling. Is she fishing for something? “Well… He came by.”

“You let him in?” Kim sounds stunned. “You never let anybody in.”

“I let some people in,” I say. Kim and Hilary used to tease me about it, until I told them I didn’t want them to be lost in the pile of clothes, shoes and purses. Now they just accept it as a weird quirk.

“Yeah, like your family.” Hilary is studying me curiously.

“Oh my God,” Kim says, “she’s treating him like family!”

“I knew it!” Yuna crows.

“No, no, no, no. Look, Edgar didn’t come inside. We went out.” But I might as well be chumming a pool full of hungry sharks.

“A date?” Kim asks, her eyes wide.

Yuna snaps her fingers. “Totally a date! Tell me you did fun stuff.”

“Where did he take you? Someplace romantic?” Hilary is sitting up straighter.

“Tell us the details!” Yuna is nearly breathless. “Everything. No wonder you look so gorgeous right now. I bet you made Edgar crazy.” She lowers her voice dramatically. “He. Wants. You.”

“Was it sort of impromptu?” Kim asks. “Or did you—”

“You guys, stop.” You’d think I’d never had a date before from the way they’re going on. “Okay, so…he supposedly wanted my help finding a place to live. Apparently he had a talk with my brothers and cousins.”

“How many brothers and cousins?” Yuna asks, her eyes bright. “And are they older or younger? That’s important.”

“Uh…three older brothers. And three older cousins, plus one younger—all guys,” I say.

“Are they cute?” Yuna asks, then shakes her head. “Of course they are. They share the same DNA as you.”

I laugh at that. “Why, thank you.”

Kim grows thoughtful. “When did they talk?”

“Edgar crashed our family dinner. Somehow, he knew about it.”

Kim looks down, her lips pursed. Yuna, meanwhile, is giving me the worst “innocent smile” in the history of innocent smiles.

So. Kim told Yuna, who then told Edgar. Figures. Edgar was probably very convincing. And since Yuna wants me to marry the f

ather of the baby—she’s pretty set in her ways about this point, for some reason—she’s bound to be on his side, and Kim’s no match for those two.

Since I know my friends won’t let me go without spilling everything, I tell them about the dinner and what happened today. They ooh and aah and gasp at all the right places.

“And so…now I have to decide what to do,” I say, spreading my hands.

“Can you just trust fate?” Hilary asks. “None of your exes were that great in bed, and none of their, uh, sperm warriors could smash through a condom plus your birth control.”

Yuna nods. “They were probably couch potato swimmers, who loved chips and soda.”

I laugh at the crazy analogy.

Yuna grows more serious. “Edgar is prime beef. Like grass-fed hanwu—that’s Korean beef that’s super delicious. If you ever come to Korea, let me know and I’ll feed you an entire cow. And you’ll understand what I mean.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance