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Even though I’m unwilling to marry a man who declared to my family that he doesn’t love me, I’m curious about seeing another facet of him. It might even help me find a cure for the jittery flip-flops my heart does every time he’s near me.

A gold Mercedes stops in front of us. And I realize I made the right decision as the driver’s-side door opens.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Hi, Josephine!” Rick says cheerily, climbing out of the car.

His gold ring winks on his finger. And I’d wager the brand-new red Gucci sandals I haven’t worn yet that he consciously positioned his hand just so to ensure people would notice the sign of his success. He adjusts his Chanel sunglasses with a wide smile, blindingly white against his artfully tanned skin.

He’s in a suit made of slightly textured linen in light khaki. If he thought he could get away with it, he’d wear a gold suit. But he can’t, so he’s settled for a close shade instead. It wouldn’t work if he were someplace like Boston, but SoCal is another matter.

I’d say he’s overcompensating for the fact that his last name is Bronze. The man wants to be nothing but first and stay there.

He turns to Edgar. “You must be Mr. Blackwood.”


“A pleasure.” Rick extends his hand, clasps Edgar’s and pumps like he were reuniting with a long-lost friend. Someone who’s never met him before would think he’s a nice, affable fellow. The kind of man you want to be pals with.

But I know Rick. He’s a pretty well-known character in the city for his talent in finding expensive homes that make a statement. That means his services are in high demand among a lot of rich people. He’s done work for Kim’s boss and his family. Unless I’m mistaken, he’s also working for Kim and her man Wyatt to find them a suitable home.

However, not everyone knows about his amazing ability to push clients into decisions he wants them to make. Combine that with a high amount of avarice, and he’s the kind of realtor you have to be careful around. Otherwise you’ll end up with something that’s too expensive even if it makes a statement you like.

“So. I understand you’re looking for a nice place for the two of you.” Rick looks at me and Edgar.

Shit. That must’ve come from Edgar. I’m still in no territory, but I’d rather not argue in front of Rick. The man gossips worse than a retired church lady…unless discretion can get him money.

On the other hand, I don’t want him telling everyone I’m moving in with Edgar. So I settle for a neutral, non-argumentative response.

“Edgar is mainly the one making the decision,” I say with a thin smile. “He doesn’t have a place in the city.”

At the same time, Edgar says, “Yes.”

“Perfect.” Rick’s expression doesn’t change. He knows which one of us has the money. “I’ve prepped a few properties. I’m sure you’ll be thrilled with any of them.” He opens the back door with a flourish.

Edgar and I slip inside, and Rick slips behind the wheel and drives off. I lean over and whisper, “You found him on Google, really?”

Edgar nods gravely.

“Well, that’s funny. Because Rick doesn’t advertise.” He doesn’t need to. People who need to Google to find a realtor are not his clientele. All his clients come to him through referrals.

Edgar starts to open his mouth, then immediately schools his features so they’re back to being calm again. Well, at least he isn’t good at covering up lies. That’s a plus, as far as I’m concerned.

“You know, I was thinking that security is going to be paramount with a beautiful young woman living there,” Rick says.

Oh, for God’s sake. He shouldn’t even try to butter me up. He knows I’m not going to be flattered, and I know him too well to fall for it.

“Of course,” Edgar says, turning to Rick a bit too eagerly. “A gated community, with tall walls and maybe even barbed wire on top. Preferably with priv

ate security.”

Ugh. That sounds like Ryder Reed’s fortress. I’ve been there a few times to help with his wife’s wardrobe.

“No moat. And no K9 security patrols. I like it quiet,” I add with sarcasm.

“Most certainly.” Edgar’s placidly agreeable. “Noise pollution is bad for pregnant women, and I wouldn’t want anything to upset you in the next nine months.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance