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We all hug together, and I close my eyes, relieved and happy in their love.

Then, as I leave, I put my left hand over my belly protectively. Abruptly, the sight of my empty middle finger reminds me of the announcement I didn’t get to make—and the threat Aaron made against my papa. I’m going to do everything I can to help him maintain his dignity until he retires.

Chapter Seventeen


I’m not happy about being kicked out of the meeting. Jo’s parents are likely less than thrilled with the botched proposal—that initial “no” was not a good sign—and obviously plan to talk to her about it without me present.

They seem like reasonable people. I pray they aren’t like my own parents and blame her behind closed doors. I meant what I said. Jo didn’t do anything wrong.

I see the hostess who tried to stop me from barging into the private party room as I walk out of the restaurant. She flushes a bit as I walk up.

“Sorry about that, sir. I didn’t realize you were a friend of the family.”

“Not your fault. I should’ve been clearer.” Remembering what Manny said, I hand her a hundred-dollar bill. “For my food and drink.”

“Oh my goodness.” She lets out a surprised laugh. “This is way too much. We don’t have anything that’ll set you back a hundred dollars. Besides, Manny and Bea never charge their guests.”

I don’t have the heart to shatter her illusions about her boss couple. “Then let the waitstaff split it. I don’t mind,” I say, as my gaze skims over the hardworking crew carrying trays heavily laden with food.

“Thank you! That’s very generous.” She beams.

“My pleasure.”

Then she leans a little closer and lowers her voice. “Do you want to go out the back way?”

“Uh…not especially. Why?”

“Jo’s brothers and cousins went out.” She jerks her head in the direction of the parking lot. “They seemed…determined. I’m sure they’re going to want to have a talk. They always do with all of Jo’s boyfriends.”

Ah, that. Not surprising. They’re overly protective and in denial about Jo’s sexual activity. They would have believed she was just gaining weight when her bump started showing.

“Thank you for the warning, but I’ll be fine,” I say.

“Okay. But watch out for Angel. He does kickboxing. He’s usually not violent, but he isn’t shy about getting physical.” With that, she waves goodbye.

Her concern is sweet, but unnecessary. I know how to take care of myself. Tony isn’t the only one who frequented the boxing gym in Tempérane. And I’m not bothered by violence. I just don’t consider it necessary in most cases.

On the other hand, if Angel disagrees and wants to get physical, that’s fine with me as long as it clears the air. I’d prefer not to have to go a few rounds wearing Brioni…but I have more suits in my closet.

The city air is cooler than Tempérane. And the lack of humidity is refreshing. Louisiana is always sweltering—unbearably or tolerably, depending on the time of the year.

I start toward my car. I take only a few steps before seven men stuffed with excellent Mexican food and wine surround me. Mean, testosterone-heavy aggression pours from their wide, vibrating bodies. I suppose the myth about full bellies making men happy is false.

“Hello, gentlemen,” I say calmly. Then I turn to Rinaldo as something occurs to me. “I wanted to ask but forgot with all the excitement at the dinner. Why are you named Rinaldo? It’s a bit unusual, isn’t it?”

Jo’s cousin’s belligerence deflates a bit. “Oh. Yeah. I got named after a pastor who was real nice to my parents.”

“Rinaldo.” Hugo pins him with an evil look.

“Oh, right.” Rinaldo glares at me, raising his belligerence level back to where it was. “Stop trying to distract us. Our parents can pick whatever names they want!”

“Of course,” I say. Perhaps her brothers should get one good swing at me and get it over with. I might do the same if I still had a sister. Pain stabs into my heart at the thought, but I shove it away fast. This is about Jo and her family.

Diego rolls his neck and breathes out heavily. “I can’t believe you got her pregnant.”

“She’s a good girl, you know,” Jorge adds.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance