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“Okay.” I give him what I hope is an understanding smile, although I hate it that he has to go so early.

And sure enough, when I wake up the next day, Edgar’s side of the bed is empty and cool. Disappointment blooms, even though I knew he wasn’t going to be here.

I reach over and see a note on his pillow.


I’ll try my best to be back as soon as possible. Be sure to take care of yourself. Call or text if you need anything.



It’s a short note, but given how serious and somber he often is, I’m pretty sure this is the closest thing to a love sonnet I’m going to get. And I’m okay with that. I’ve had enough empty, pretty words to last a lifetime.

Maybe I’m turning into a pragmatist. A baby probably does that to a person, I decide. I rest a hand on my belly, feeling pretty wise about it all even without my coffee.

I check the time. A little after nine. I slept in later than I wanted. Since I have an appointment to see Erin today—which I absolutely refuse to miss again—I get out of bed, munch on some fruit salad and yogurt from the fridge, then take a shower. This place has one huge advantage over mine—instant hot water and multiple shower heads. I never understood why anybody would want to have so many heads until I moved in with Edgar. But now I know, I think as the water sluices down my body in rivulets, gently massaging my muscles. It’s such a pampered way to start the day.

An hour of fussing over my hair, makeup and outfit later, I’m ready. I put on a pale lemon dress with blue and green accents. I want to appear friendly and in charge but not overly bossy. My makeup is also on the muted side, except for my lips, which I coat with an apple red.

That done, I drive to Sweet Darlings Inc.’s office and park my Lexus in the company garage. Before getting out of the car, I text Erin to let her know I’m here, so she can wrap up whatever task she’s been working on.

I take my time walking into the building. It’s tall and impressive, lots of marble, stone and chrome in a slick contemporary design. The lobby has a ceiling that has to be at least three stories high. Smart architecture to make the air inside much cooler.

I sign in with security at a huge desk. A young guard in a starched and perfectly fitted black uniform gives me a visitor’s pass.

“First time in the building?” he asks, looking me up and down.

“Yeah. I’m just going to be here for a few minutes. Meeting a client.” Here it comes.

“Cool. Hey, I get off in half an hour. You got a little time after your visit? Wanna grab a coffee? Our café over there is way better than Starbucks.”

I give him a pat smile. “Thanks, but I have a”—I fumble for the word—“a…” What is Edgar? Not quite a fiancé, but a boyfriend is a kind of…insufficient. “I’m in a relationship,” I say finally, giving him my patented I’m so flattered you asked, but really, it won’t be happening because…it’s me, not you smile.

“Oh, I get it.” He nods, clearly not buying it. “Boyfriend?”

“Something like that.”

The guard smiles, revealing blindingly white teeth and a dimple that probably kills at the nightclubs. He’s well built, too, like a track athlete, with biceps that pop out like baseballs under his short sleeves. “Well, you know…he’s not really invited,” he says, laying on the charm. “Just you.”

I lean over, indicating with my body language that he should lean in as well. He does. “I’m really flattered, but see, there’s this other thing…”


“I’m kind of pregnant.”

The guard straightens up immediately, his eyes widening. “Oh! Oh, uh, I see. Well, uh, in that case…”

“Yeah.” Not wanting him to feel too bad, I finger-wave him goodbye. Can’t blame a guy for trying. I walk toward the elevator, checking the time. Score one for my punctuality!

“Um… Josephine Martinez?”

I stop and turn to see a blonde in her twenties. She’s got her hand up about shoulder-high, like a kid who can’t decide if she should raise it and answer a question or not. “Yes?”

“Oh, good.” She blinks large blue eyes. “I’m Erin. Erin Clare?”

“Hi. Nice to finally meet you.” I shake her hand. “You didn’t have to come down here to meet me. I could’ve gone up.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance