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“Thanks.” But even as I say it, I know I won’t ask. How can I demand anything of him? He wants nothing to do with the family business, and I wouldn’t blame him one bit if he wanted to strangle our mother. She was so cruel to him for so long, and I’m sure, to this date, she’s convinced she did nothing wrong.

And Dad will accept that because he loves her, I think with an inward jeer. He’ll use it to justify everything, and never accept that love has blinded him and compelled him to do foolish things—things no man in his right mind would do.

Finishing my coffee, I vow—again—that I’ll never be like him.


bsp; Chapter Five


The ringing of my phone wakes me up. I fumble around for it and stare blearily at the screen. One fifty-six p.m. And the caller is…

Someone from an unrecognized number.

I debate, but it might be one of my clients. “Yes? This is Josephine Martinez.”

“Man, you’re a hard woman to get a hold of.”

There’s only one voice that slimy. Aaron. I immediately hit the red button to hang up, then block the number. I’m not encouraging him by talking to him. He needs to accept we’re over, especially when we’ve been over for… My sleep-deprived brain can’t think. But it’s been months. Long enough for him to move on.

Besides, I do not want to talk to him, especially not when my body’s pleasantly sore from being with Edgar last night.

God, he was so good. I probably won’t find another man like him for a while. Maybe ever. The orgasms he gave me were mind-blowing. It was like being on some kind of drug, like crack or something. Crackgasms. That’s what they are, because even now, I want him again.

Just to ensure I don’t have any fashion 911s from my clients, I check my texts. But there’s only one from Hilary asking me if I got home okay because she didn’t see me at the party and is worried. Then she asked me what I thought about Yuna’s adult cream pies.

It wasn’t bad, but I had real adult cream, har har har. I send a short text to Hilary to let her know I’m fine and Yuna’s treat was tasty enough, then put the phone down next to my pillow. I start to drift back to sleep, then suddenly jerk awake. Oh shit! Shopping date with Kim!

I try to generate some motivation to get up, but completely fail. I’m just too damn tired. I hate to do this, but…I’ll have to cancel. Hopefully, she won’t be too unhappy about it. She has her next-door-neighbor-cum-nemesis-cum-wedding-date to keep her busy.

When she picks up the phone, I say, “Hey, I’m really sorry, but I don’t think I can go shopping today.”

“Uh…are we supposed to?”

Huh? She forgot, too? That makes me feel marginally better. “Aren’t we? It’s the thirteenth.”

“Jo. It’s the sixth.”

What the hell…? How could I get things so confused? “Really? Shit. Okay, sorry. Brain fart.”

“Are you okay? You don’t sound so good.”

I love her so much. If I say I’m not feeling well, she’ll bring me chicken noodle soup because she’s that kind of friend.

But I need sleep, not soup. “Um. I’m fine. Just tired. I’m still in bed.”

“You are? You sure you aren’t sick?”

“Just worn out.” I clear my throat. Time to lay it out. It isn’t like I can keep something like this a secret from her. Besides, I need to explain why I didn’t get to see her last night. “I had a bunch of sex.”

She laughs. “So that’s why I couldn’t find you last night at the party. Good for you! So. Who was it? Somebody from the party? Was he good?”

“Ooh yeah.” I stretch my torso. “That man’s like sex crack. I wanna start breaking into people’s houses and stealing their TVs to support my habit.”

“Wow. You’ve never said anything like this about a guy. Who was it?”

“Edgar,” I say, feeling still stupidly goofy and happy about last night.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance