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“Maybe I just didn’t want to risk having someone in my brother’s house hear the smacks.”

I pat his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m easily satisfied. Your vanilla missionary game isn’t bad,” I say, doing my best to ensure my lips aren’t twitching. And hopefully my nose isn’t growing ten inches.

Until Edgar, I’d never had the kind of orgasm that made my vision blur and my eyes cross. And it didn’t matter what position we were in. It was like magic.

And from the way my blood is humming in my veins, I know the magic’s still there. And I want to feel it again. Now.

I start to lean in, but before my lips can touch his, my phone rings.

Crap! Who is it?

I want to ignore it, but the moment’s broken. Edgar blinks, and my phone keeps ringing over and over. Clearly, whoever it is isn’t going to give up.

“This is Josephine,” I say in a tone that is, thankfully, professionally brisk.

“Oh, thank God! Help me! I don’t have a purse or any shoes for the gala this weekend!”

I pull the phone back and check the number. Maria Gomez. Figures. The woman only worries about her shoes and purses, even when she doesn’t have anything to wear—like actual dresses and matching underwear.

“I thought you were in Spain,” I say.

“Supposed to be, but then I changed my mind. I dumped Luciano.” She pauses.

It’s a cue. I make a sympathetic noise. “Oh no. That’s…awful.”

“Yeah, but he was getting boring. Like last year’s Valentino.”

I know for a fact that some of the purses in her closet still have tags on them. But I keep my mouth shut.

“Anyway, it’s to honor exceptional Mexican Americans who are making a difference. And I have to be there because Patrick’s going to be there.”


“My new boyfriend. It’s good to show your new man some support, especially early in the relationship.” She pauses again.

I say nothing. I don’t want to encourage her to dump more of her relationship stories on me.

“Don’t you agree?” she prompts me.


“So can we meet in an hour? At my place? I’ll treat you to lunch.”

I hesitate. I want to say no and just hang out with Edgar for the rest of the day. Before I can give in to the impulse, a small voice in my head stops me.

When did you become so irresponsible and careless about your career? Maria is a good client. Okay, so she’s a little self-involved, but she pays on time and gives you a lot of referrals. And Edgar isn’t like many of your boyfriends who were fun but lacked substance. He actually has to manage a huge company, and he’s already spent a lot of his morning with you, rather than working.

Shame slowly courses through me, and I fidget as my neck and face grow warm. I shouldn’t just be thinking about what I want. When did I become so cavalier? If I already had an appointment, I’d reschedule Maria for sure…but I don’t.

I’ve already blown a meeting with David Darling’s assistant Erin, and I shouldn’t be ignoring Maria.

“Sure. I’ll see you then.”

“Thank you! You’re God’s gift to me!” she says before hanging up.

“What was that?” Edgar asks.

“A client. She has a purse emergency. But she did call me God’s gift.” I shake my head at her theatrics.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance