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Rory picked up my plate. "Thanks again, Keira." He headed back behind the counter. I quickly grabbed my purse and fled the restaurant.

Chapter 4

"You're not serious?" Emily stared at me in disbelief. She was my oldest friend. Ever since we had been randomly assigned as roommates in college, she had been my biggest confidant. And I needed her advice now more than ever.

"I didn't mean to agree to him moving in. It kind of just happened."

"You were doing that thing, weren't you?"

"What thing?"

"Where you just keep rambling because you're nervous."

Oh, that thing. When did I ever not do that? "He does make me really nervous. Emily, I've never been so instantaneously attracted to someone before. He's so handsome."

"Which is why you shouldn't live with him."

"Well, we agreed to just remain friends. So..." I shrugged. "There isn't really anything to worry about."

Emily stared at me skeptically.

"I was kind of hoping you'd tell me that it was a good idea."

"Why on earth did you think I'd tell you it was a good idea? It's actually a really terrible idea, Keira."

"How is it that bad of an idea? All the other candidates were awful. He was the only one who I could actually see myself living with."

"So put out another ad."

"I need a new roommate before the end of the month. He's moving in just in time. Anyone else would take too long."

"Well then, it seems like you already made up your mind." She smiled at me.

"So you think it is a good idea? I mean, you live with a guy. And you're so happy."

"You mean my husband?" Emily laughed.

I couldn't help but start laughing too. If that was the only argument I could come up with, then maybe letting Rory live with me really was a bad idea.

"Are you sure you don't want to just call him and tell him you made a mistake?"

"Geez, I can't do that."

"Of course you can. It's not like you have to ever see him again."

"But I don't want to not see him. I'm actually kind of excited about getting to see him every day."

Emily smiled at me. "I don't know what you want me to say. I feel like it's a bad idea. But you were my only roommate before I got married. So what do I know?"

I laughed. "I can't believe I'm actually going to do this."

"I know. What if he's a serial killer?"

"Emily! Why would you even say that?!" I tossed one of the pillows off the couch at her. She knew that was my biggest fear of living with a stranger.

"I'm just kidding. You're going to be fine."

"Yeah. I'll definitely be fine." I bit my lip. "What's it like living with a guy, by the way? It's pretty much the same as living with a girl, right?"

Tags: Ivy Smoak Sweet Cravings Romance