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Rory leaned forward on the counter. "I don't mind if you're a little dirty."

The way he said it made my heart race. I could feel my face blushing. "I don't mind paying, Rory. I didn't come here to get free food. You just mentioned it, and I've never been here..." I shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't seem to control my rambling around him.

"It's on me. I insist."

"Are you trying to bribe me?"

"I'm just being nice. But if you're accepting bribes, then yes, it is a bribe."

"Well, thank you." I grabbed the sandwich and my money and made my way over to one of the tables. Geez, could I be any more awkward?

Chapter 3

A chair squeaked. I looked up and Rory was sitting down on the other side of my table, regarding me curiously.

"Are you done working?" I asked.

"No, not yet. I didn't want to miss talking to you, though. Look, I know you don't want a guy roommate."

"It's not that." I laughed uncomfortably. "Actually, yeah. It is that. It's just kind of awkward."

"Well, I'm not planning on walking around naked, if that's what you're worried about."

"Oh, God no. No. I mean yes, don't do that."

Rory laughed. "I mean, as long as we're not attracted to each other, it really shouldn't be a problem."

He's not attracted to me? That's kind of a rude thing to say. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. "Right, of course. I mean, I'm definitely not attracted to you. I like...glasses. I mean, guys with glasses. And the whole tall, dark, and handsome thing is really overrated. I should say tall, dark, and not handsome, am I right? Gross. Ugh." I laughed awkwardly and shoved the rest of my sandwich in my mouth. What the fuck?!

He lowered his eyebrows slightly. I hadn't meant to offend him. And it was a lie. He was dreamy.

"Okay. And we can just make a pact," he said.

"Hmm?" I had a mouth full of food.

"To just be friends. To not start liking each other."

I choked on my bite of sandwich. It took me an agonizingly long time to swallow. "I don't like you," I lied.

"So what's the problem then?"

"I guess there isn't one." Because there's a million!

His eyes grew bright. "So the room is mine?"

"Um...yes." What the hell am I doing?

"Thanks, Keira, I really appreciate it." He got up, walked around the table, and wrapped his arms around me.

I could feel his muscles pressed against me. "You're welcome." My whole body felt tingly. I had a strong urge to kiss him, but instead I patted his back awkwardly. He released me from his hug. He was all smiles.

"Does tomorrow evening work for you?"

He does like me! "Yeah, I'm free tomorrow."

"Great, me and a couple friends will move my stuff in then."

Of course. Geez, I'm already acting like an idiot. "Sounds good."

Tags: Ivy Smoak Sweet Cravings Romance