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“Don Roberts, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent…”

I let the words fade away as I watched them handcuff Don. This had happened once before. But he was handcuffed by officers that were on his side. This time? I sighed. This time was for real. Maybe no one could tie him to the murder of my parents. But he’d end up on death row either way. And that? I exhaled slowly. That was justice.

Don stared at me just like he did last time he had been taken away. With a promise in his eyes that it wasn’t over. That he’d find me and kill me. But this time I wasn’t scared. His threats were empty now. Not only was he not going to get out of prison, but I was strong enough to take him if he did.

I watched Julie and her fiancé being pushed out of the house next. Even though I didn’t believe that my father was still alive, it was still hard seeing Jacob. A part of me wanted to believe that my father was the man in the picture, not him.

“We need to check out how bad your wounds are okay?” An EMT had crouched down next to us.

I watched her remove Miles’ shirt.

“You were lucky you were wearing one of these,” she said when she saw his bulletproof vest. “Or else we wouldn’t be talking right now.”

“I’m fine, really,” Miles said. “I just got knocked out. Someone hit the back of my head.”

“Okay, let’s see.” She pulled out a small flashlight. “Follow the light for me.” She watched his eyes. “You might have a concussion. We should get you to the hospital.”

We both helped Miles to his feet. I glanced over at my friends. I hadn’t even seen Eli come in, but he was standing there with his arm around Liza. He was wearing one of the FBI tactical vests. Everyone seemed okay. Kins looked horrified, but still healthy at least.

“I’ll be right back okay?” I said.

Miles nodded.

I walked over to them and smiled at Eli. “I thought you weren’t coming.”

“I promised I’d help you get justi

ce.” He smiled. “Nothing could have stopped me from getting them here, especially a bunch of lying cops.”

I laughed. “And all of you are okay?”

“We’ll be fine,” Liza said. “Go. He needs you.” She nodded at Miles.

I looked over my shoulder. He was arguing with someone about getting on a stretcher.

“Was there any sign of Mr. Crawford?” I asked.

Eli shook his head.

I swallowed hard. “Keep me updated okay?” I ran after the EMT who was wheeling Miles away.

Chapter 46


I slowly opened my eyes and blinked at the light streaming into the hospital room. I was tucked in Miles’ side. He did end up having a minor concussion and they insisted on monitoring him overnight. They also re-did the stitches in his side. They didn’t even ask any questions about the injury which was a relief.

It felt like the FBI had questioned us all night. But I didn’t mind telling my story. It seemed like it was the last time I would ever have to. And I was glad to let it all go. It was time to move on. My future was right beside me. I didn’t want to bring any darkness into that.

I sat up and stretched. That’s when I saw Mr. Crawford slumped forward in one of the chairs sleeping. One of his eyes was black and blue, but otherwise he looked okay. I carefully slid out of Miles’ arms and sat down next to Mr. Crawford.

“Mr. Crawford,” I whispered and lightly touched his arm. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

When he opened his eyes, they looked wild for a moment. But then he focused on me and smiled.

“Thank you.” I squeezed his arm. “Thank you for everything you did.”

He shook his head. “If I could go back, I’d do a few things differently. Just know that I wanted you to know the truth, but I didn’t think I’d be alive long enough to tell it to you when you were finally safe.”

Tags: Ivy Smoak Made of Steel Romance