Page 29 of Take Me Home

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Yeah, I am—every day for the rest of our lives. I’ve messed up like that once, but never, ever again.

And why wait until we’re done? “You’re doing so well, baby. Look at you, taking my finger like that. Sucking it up so deep. Such a good girl.”

Above me, Josie’s cheeks are so pink, she looks sunburned.

She tries to tug me up, but I bat her away. I felt her come around me last night, but this time I want to taste it. Want to feel it against my tongue.

“You’re going to come for me,” I tell her, speaking the words against her folds, “and you’re going to let me hear it. Give me everything.”

It takes a few more minutes of coaxing, of rubbing and sucking on her clit, but it’s just as earth-shattering as I remember. Her twitching muscles; her eyes squeezed tight shut. Her lips parting and letting out a hoarse cry. I lick her through all of it, and only once she’s slumped against the car seat do I push to my feet, tugging at my belt, fingers clumsy around the leather.

“You sure you want to keep going?” If I hurt her again… I can’t stand it. “We can wait if you’re sore. Or if you don’t want me like that yet. We can wait however long you want.”

“I’m sure.” Josie fumbles at the side of the seat for the lever, then lowers the back down flat in a few jerky motions. “Here you go. The height of luxury, Mr Bray.” She flops over onto her belly, props herself up on her elbows and smirks at me over her shoulder. “Hop on.”

Well, shit.

I don’t know how anyone could resist the lure of Josie Martin’s bare ass wiggling an invitation in the morning air, nor her bright peal of laughter when I curse and climb into the car, tires dipping.

“We have beds,” I point out, yanking my jeans open and kneeling behind her. “And sofas and table tops. So many flat surfaces.”

“Come on.” A hand reaches back, and fingernails scratch along the denim covering my thigh. “I thought you’d like a challenge.”

I like beds too, but it doesn’t matter, because I like Josie best of all.

“Deep breath, baby.”

I line up with her entrance and press forward.

Tags: Cassie Mint Romance