Page 21 of Take Me Home

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We shouldn’t do this. We should stop right now.

I don’t care.

Her shorts button pops open as easily as I remember. I’ve never done this before, but I don’t need practice when it comes to Josie—I’m riding on pure instinct, and it’s as easy as breathing. I’ve touched her enough in my dreams, haven’t I?

The scrape of her zipper is loud in the night air.

When my fingers slide down her tensing belly, tracing a path beneath her lacy waistband, we both hold our breath. Both let out twin groans.

She’s hot and damp. Swollen and needy, kneeling on my spread thighs and clinging onto my shoulders for dear life. Wind-mussed and pink-cheeked and so fucking perfect.

“This is mine.” I cup her slick pussy, my hand trembling in her panties, and spread my other palm over her chest. Feel her heartbeat tripping along under her shirt. “This too. Don’t go giving either of them away, Josie.”

She whimpers and shakes her head, hips grinding down and seeking my touch. “I won’t, Everett. I won’t.”

Has she before? I can’t ask. Won’t ask.

Because it won’t change how I feel about her, but I don’t want to picture her with anybody else. Don’t want a single other soul intruding on this moment.

“You’re wet for me,” I say against her mouth, marveling at that fact, then kiss her again. Deep, dirty and slow. “Baby, you’re soaked.”

My fingers burrow and search. I find a good rhythm in there; find the bundle of nerves that makes her breath catch. Find her tight entrance, and push a single digit to the second knuckle.

“Oh.” Josie bites down on my shoulder. “Oh, shit.”

My pulse is deafening.

“Wanted you so fucking bad when you came here that summer.” My finger saws in and out of her, my wrist already aching from the weird angle. I swipe her clit with my thumb—back and forth. Back and forth. “Hated knowing you were over there with him. Sleeping in the same building. Breathing the same goddamn air.”

“Nothing happened,” Josie gasps, and I growl, ducking down to suck a bruise on her neck. Bad idea, bad idea, but I can’t stop this runaway train. “Nothing ever happened, Everett.”

Ah, hell.

My eyes squeeze shut. My wrist twinges but I shove my finger deeper.

The firelight glows red against my eyelids.

The earth shakes when I drop to my knees, Josie clutched against my chest. I bear her down to the dry grass, the firelight licking over her skin, and yank her shorts and panties down, over her pink canvas sneakers, then toss them away.

Shadows stretch all around us. The stars are blurry, and I’ve gone fucking feral.

“Never done this either,” I tell her, tugging my belt open. “But I’m doin’ it now. You know how long I’ve waited for you, Josie?”

Even before I noticed her like that, even before I could put a face and a name to the longing in my chest, I knew there was someone out there. Someone important, someone headed for me—and taking their own sweet time about it.

And it’s not fair of me, but that wait makes me rougher as I shove her shirt up to the neck. As I pull her bra down, baring those goddamn nipples to the smoky night air.

I pinch and squeeze them. Run my big, scarred hands all over her milky skin, then lean forward and lick that mole on her chest—the one that’s been haunting my dreams.

“Everett.” Josie reaches between us and scrabbles at my jeans button, her chin tucked to her chest and her eyes almost panicked. “Everett, hurry up and fuck me. Please.”

Yeah, I’ve been waiting my whole life. She can wait another minute.

I suck her nipple into my mouth.

The groan that rumbles through me rattles every single bone. She feels so good, so right, soft and warm and perfect against my tongue.

Josie cries out in dismay when I bat her hands off my zipper. But then I’m scraping it down and drawing out my cock, rubbing the ruddy head up and down along her slit. And Josie sighs like this is pure bliss already, like there’s no place in the whole world she’d rather be than right here, feeling my throbbing length slide through her folds.

Tags: Cassie Mint Romance