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I felt frozen for a long moment as I adjusted to my shock. I hardly expected to see many people I knew on the island at all since Faith and I hadn’t been close friends for years, but Idefinitelydidn’t expect to run into a celebrity.

He was even more handsome in person than he was on the big screen. With a strong jaw, deep blue eyes, and thick black hair, it was easy to see why he was considered to be such a heartthrob. His body was unreal, with a solid chest and thick arms. When I fell into him, I felt how hard the muscles of his abdomen were, and I knew from his movies that he had a six-pack under that thin black T-shirt. His roles almost always required that he end up shirtless at some point.

Of course, I was a fan. Who wasn’t? The man was an A-lister in Hollywood, and leading man material.

But I saw the way that his eyes darted around nervously when his hat and glasses were no longer hiding his face. He obviously didn’t want anyone to know he was here, and it was easy to guess why. Someone as popular and famous as Bowen O’Neal probably didn’t get much peace when he was out in public.

I quickly tamped down my urge to fangirl over the man. I didn’t want to annoy him.

“Ma’am? Did you hear me?”

I blinked and realized that he’d asked me a question that barely even registered. “What?”

“I asked if you were okay,” he replied, an amused smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“Oh. Uh, right,” I shook my head to clear it. “Yeah, of course. I’m so sorry about running into you, Bowen O’Neal.”

This time he chuckled and the sound washed over me like a warm caress. I felt my core clench as my breath hitched.

Holy crap.This guy was getting me hot and bothered without even trying.

“You know, I usually just go by Bowen,” he teased. “You almost knocked me over, no need to get formal now.”

I bit my lip and smiled. “Sorry about that.”

He looked at me for a long moment, as if he was waiting for me to go on. When I didn’t say anything, he tipped his head and his smile just widened.

“So... you know my name, but I—”

“Oh!” I cut him off, wanting to slap myself in the forehead for being so absent-minded. “I’m Marlee.”

“Nice to meet you, Marlee,” he said.

The sound of my name falling from his lips sounded too damn good. In a way that made me want to hear it groaned in the dark of night. I swallowed hard.

“Let me help you with your bag,” he offered.

He bent down and grabbed his duffle before taking the handle of my big suitcase and lifting it with ease. I fleetingly thought that it would be nice to have a big, strong man around all the time to do things like carry my luggage and set off butterflies in the pit of my stomach with just one smile.

But that was really the last thing that should be on my mind right now. I had too much trouble in my life to even entertain the idea of getting involved withanyman.

“Thanks,” I said, and he gestured for me to lead the way inside. As I walked, he stayed close behind, and my body was achingly aware of him with every step I took. He was a larger than life presence, even when he was trying to hide his identity.

There weren’t many people in the lobby, so Bowen was able to check in without drawing attention. The woman behind the reception desk’s eyes bulged out when he leaned in close and told her his name in a low voice, but she kept things professional as she handed over the keys to a penthouse suite.

My check-in went quickly after that, and Bowen stepped back, but lingered with my suitcase, seemingly in no hurry to go. I learned that I was in a room on the same floor as the other wedding guests and members of the wedding party. Bowen walked with me to the elevator, and we rode it up alone.

“So, are you here for vacation or is the next big blockbuster being shot here on the island?” I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

“This is a much-needed vacation. I just wrapped up filming a movie in Miami, so I chartered a private plane and told my manager not to bother me for a week.”

I smiled. He seemed so normal, and that wasn’t what I would have expected from someone like him. I always thought of celebrities as unrelatable, but Bowen didn’t give off that vibe. He was very down to earth.

“We could all use an escape every now and then,” I said. “A chance to step away from our real lives and just enjoy ourselves.”

“And is that why you’re here? Looking for some...enjoyment?”

Electricity seemed to sizzle in the air of the small elevator, and I felt my heart hammering against my ribcage. The urge to move closer to him was nearly impossible to resist, but before I gave in to the impulse, the elevator came to a stop on the eighth floor and the doors slid open.

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Romance