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So, by the time we reached the hotel, I’d made a decision. I pulled one of the two room keys that I’d been given out of my wallet while we rode up the elevator to the eighth floor. We stepped out, and I gently grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop since our rooms were in opposite directions.

“Here.” I pressed my key card into the palm of her hand. “I’m in 108. Come to my room if you want to put aside your doubts and have the best sex of your life. I’ll be waiting for you.”

She gaped at me, and I took the opportunity to kiss her again. It was rough, deep, and thorough, but short. Then, I forced myself to walk away, my erection throbbing with every step I put between us.



My mind was whirling. I knew that we were working up to this, of course. I’d have to have been an idiot to not see, or feel, the signs. But what threw me for a loop was that Ben put the ball in my court. He left it up to me to decide if this happened instead of talking me into it like most guys would have.

I respected the way he’d handled the situation, but I didn’t know what I wanted to do. First, I went to my own room, but I kept glancing back as I walked down the hall, watching Ben until he reached his own room, then disappeared inside.

The first thing I did was strip off my clothing in the bathroom. I loved spending time on the beach, but sand got everywhere. I stepped into the shower, running it hot while relaxing under the stream of water. My skin felt overly sensitive after the longing that Ben ignited inside of me, and I briefly considered slipping my fingers between my legs and pleasuring myself to take the edge off.

But I knew it wouldn’t be nearly as good as the real thing. As I got out, I pulled on my robe, my hard nipples poking through the thick fabric.

Screw it.

I was smart enough to know that I was putting off the inevitable. It had been months since I had sex at all, or even felt so desired, and now I was being promisedthe best sex of my life.Was I really going to let my fear of another heartbreak hold me back?

Not tonight, I decided. I was done letting Aiden rule my thoughts or emotions. In just a couple of days, Ben had helped me start to move past my hurt without even trying. Just by being kind, and fun, and a great listener. He was already a hell of a distraction, and if nothing else, I could enjoy a few sexy times with him while we were on the island.

A vacation fling was exactly what I needed to get my mojo back, and I couldn’t think of a hotter, sexier man to do that with.

Not bothering to get dressed, I grabbed the key he’d given me and slipped out in the hall wearing just my robe. No one was around, but I moved quickly, not wanting anyone from the wedding party to see me, or where I was headed. My bare feet made no sound on the carpeted floor as I walked along. I stopped outside his door and gathered my courage. I took a deep breath, slid the key card through the lock, and opened the door.

It was dark inside, but the bathroom light was on, and he’d left the door cracked enough to allow a faint light to spill into the bedroom. So, I could clearly see Ben as he sat up in the bed, his bare torso on display. I closed the door behind me, and he pulled the blankets off of himself. My mouth went dry as I stared at his naked body, and the fact that his cock was already hard.

Oh. My. God.

His shaft was long and thick, and I could feel my heart hammering against my ribcage as he reached down and started to stroke himself, keeping his eyes locked on me as he did so, as if daring me to come closer. It was like an erotic dance, with graceful movement and a pulsing beat between my legs in response. It all felt surreal as I walked closer to the bed as if I was in a trance. When I reached the side of the bed, a drop of precome appeared at the tip of Ben’s cock, which he smeared over the head with his thumb. It was the most breathtakingly erotic thing I’d ever seen.

“Take off your robe,” he commanded, and I didn’t hesitate to comply.

Loosening the tie at my waist, I slipped the garment off my shoulders, letting it fall to the ground around my feet. I was completely naked in front of him, and my skin felt tight in the cool room.

Ben moved so suddenly that I didn’t see it coming. His arms reached out and grabbed me, pulling me onto the bed. He flipped our positions until I was on my back beneath him while he hovered over me, and then his lips were on mine again, silently demanding submission while I parted my thighs, letting his big body move between them. My hands ran down his muscular back as he trailed his warm, damp lips along my jawline and down the side of my throat, nipping the sensitive skin between my neck and shoulder.

One of his big hands found my breast, and he squeezed it, running his thumb over my hardened nipple before giving the peak a light pinch. I gripped his biceps, groaning as my body was flooded with sensation. I could barely catch my breath— he seemed to be everywhere. His warmth, his touch, his heated, masculine scent…

My hips undulated, and with him positioned between my legs, I felt his erection rub along my wet slit in a slow, teasing stroke. God, I desperately wanted to feel his cock inside my body, filling me up. I wanted everything he was willing to give me.

But Ben was taking his time with me in a way that no man ever had. He kissed down my chest until he reached my other breast, his tongue swirling around my nipple before he pulled it into his mouth and sucked, hard.

I arched my back and grabbed his hair, holding onto the soft strands as he lavished my breast. When he was done, he pulled back and blew softly over the wet flesh, making it harden even further. The sensation was almost painful.

“Oh God, Ben,” I said, my voice frantic. “I want you so badly…”

“You’ll get exactly what you’re looking for, baby,” he assured me, his voice a low, seductive murmur. “But first, I need to taste that sweet honey between your thighs.”

I could only gasp as he moved further down my body. His hands went to the inside of my thighs, spreading me wider, and I felt so vulnerable as he gazed at my pussy. I had gotten a Brazilian wax for the first time a couple of days before leaving for the island, wanting to try something new instead of shaving. Now, I was glad that I did.

“So smooth and wet,” Ben said huskily, his eyes burning with lust as he looked up at me. “Such a pretty pussy for me to eat.”

His dirty words served to heighten my desire, and something inside of me clenched with need. Ben buried his face between my legs, extending his tongue and giving me a long lick from my entrance to my clit, lapping up my juices.

I let out a strangled sound of raw pleasure and held onto the sheets on either side of my body as he got serious about exploring my pussy with his tongue. There was nothing timid or hesitant about his oral seduction. He acted like he was starved for me, and that had to be the hottest thing I’d ever experienced in my life.

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Romance