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Marcello dropped to his knees on my right, Damian and Bastian on my left. I stroked her cheek with my knuckles, and she stirred from my touch. She rolled onto her side and curled up into a ball. Her chest rose and fell, as if she were having a panic attack.

“You’re safe now,” I whispered. “We won’t let anyone touch you ever again.”

Marcello clutched her hand. “We’re here, princess.”

She looked up at me, her eyes bloodshot and watery. Her gaze flicked to each of my brothers, and she let out a relieved breath. “You’re alive. Thank God.” Alex covered her heart with her hand. “Where’s Aiden?”

“He’s fine,” Marcello assured her, making a slow, circular motion on top of her hand to ease her concern.

“Someone shot him,” she whimpered.

I slid my fingers down her arm to soothe her. “Dante’s men stitched him up, gave him some pain meds. He’s taking a nap.”

Alex blew out a deep breath. “How did you make it off the island alive?”

Marcello smirked. “You should know by now we always have a plan.”

Her stomach growled.

I shoved the blanket off her so I could touch her belly, feel the slight baby bump. It wasn’t noticeable, but I knew every curve of her body. “When was the last time you ate?”

“On Lorenzo’s boat,” she muttered with one eye open. “But I couldn’t keep the food down.”

“You need to eat something,” Bastian said before I could get out the words.

Damian leaned over her and extended his hand. “Sit up, Pet.”

With his help, she propped herself up. “I was afraid I wouldn’t see any of you again. I missed you guys.”

Bastian patted her knee. “We missed you, too, Cherry.”

I clutched her shoulder.

She groaned as if my touch branded her skin.

“Are you hurt?”

Alex shook her head, blonde curls falling in front of her eyes. “No, not really. I feel like shit from being drugged and thrown around by my kidnappers.”

I slid my fingers beneath her chin to steal her gaze back to me. “Did Lorenzo touch you?”

“No. He wouldn’t even let his men touch me.”

“When we get home, you’re seeing a doctor.” I rubbed my palm over her stomach. “The drugs could have hurt the baby.”

She placed her hand over mine, a grin plastered on her gorgeous face. “I love how protective you are over her.”

“Her?” My eyebrows rose an inch. “You don’t know it’s a girl.”

“Call it a gut feeling.” She moved our hands over top of the dress in a circular motion. “Would that upset you?”

I shook my head.

“I’d love to have a little girl,” Marcello interjected.

She smiled at him. “You’d be a good girl-dad.”

“What about me?” Bastian asked.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic