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I yanked on his hand, forcing him to stop. “We can’t trust him,” I whispered.

“Dante is cool,” he shot back. “He’ll get us out of here.”

I shook my head. “For all we know, he was part of Lorenzo’s plan.”

Even though we spoke in hushed tones, Dante must have heard us. He inched toward us, his hands raised in the air. “I’m not here to hurt you, Alexandrea. Luca called me. I’m your ride home.”

I pushed out my palm to stop him. “What about Luca and his brothers?”

“They’ll join us soon,” he said.

“I’m not leaving here without them.”

I wrapped my arms around my middle to steady the nerves coursing through my veins.

“Lexie.” Aiden shook my shoulder, but his voice sounded far away. “Hey, Lexie, look at me.”

I blinked a few times as I looked up at my brother, who towered over me. Physically, I stood in front of him, but I felt as if my body were somewhere else. Somewhere far, far away from the island.

“We don’t have time for this,” Dante snapped.

He removed a cell phone from his pocket, dialed a number, and put it on speakerphone. It rang a few times before I heard Luca’s voice.


His deep voice snapped me back to reality for a moment.

“I have your queen,” Dante said with his eyes on me. “But she won’t leave with me.”

“Drea,” Luca choked out, his breathing labored as if he were running. “Listen to me, baby. Go with Dante. We’ll see you soon.”

As if my body was performing the motions without my brain fully understanding, I closed the distance between us and took the phone from Dante’s hand. “Luca, are you okay?”

“Yeah, baby.” He breathed into the receiver. “We’re fine. Just get on the boat with Dante.”

His words said one thing, but his tone said another. He didn’t sound fine. In fact, he sounded anything but fine.

“Okay.” I bit my lip. “All four of you better come back to me in one piece.”

He groaned.

Then the line went dead.

Alex was on the Luciano brothers boat, headed back to Key West. My cousins wanted Lorenzo removed from power. So I offered the support of the Knights and all of our money and resources for their help. Anything to get our queen back.

With the island under our control, we walked around the place like fucking kings. Men tipped their heads at us. Some even asked for our assistance with their illegal businesses. Not like we had time to talk shop with these idiots. They could wait until we were home.

“Lorenzo is gone,” Marcello told me. “I spoke with my team leader, and they can’t find him or Savanna.”

“Fuck,” I grunted.

As we walked across the lawn and into the jungle, Bastian moved beside me. “The highest bid on Alex was thirty million dollars. We got her back, but there’s still a bounty on her head.”

“Whoever listed her for sale produced her tonight. Technically, they satisfied their part of the deal.”

“But we don’t know who won her,” Bastian pointed out. “Which means we don’t know who will come for her.”

“My guess would be Lorenzo. He orchestrated the event to get us to the island.”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic