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“I’ve been feeling sick for weeks. My nerves are making it worse.”

A guard tapped my back with his hand and pushed me forward. “Keep moving.”

We walked down a long tiled hallway guarded by men dressed in suits, armed and dangerous. They had stoic expressions plastered on their faces. None of them looked directly at us, but I could still feel their eyes on me.

Our entourage surrounded us. Two men at the front, two in the back, and two on each side. Aiden was crazy to think he could get me out of here.

We had zero chance.

The guards steered us into a massive ballroom. It had tall windows and a high ceiling with a gorgeous crystal chandelier hanging in the center. The space was large enough to host a wedding. Round tables and chairs separated the aisle that led to a platform with a podium for the auctioneer.

As we walked past the first few tables, heads snapped in my direction. Men with dark tattoos, gnarly scars, and scary gazes stared back at me. They looked like men hardened by their work. Criminals dressed in suits to make them look more legitimate.

My breath caught in my throat when I spotted Luca, Marcello, Bastian, and Damian on the opposite side of the room. They stood beside Lorenzo, who had his hand on Luca’s shoulder, drinking amber liquid from a highball glass as if they were old friends.

Strange men licked their lips as I passed their tables. I was already a D cup before the baby hormones, and now that my boobs were getting bigger, this dress barely contained them. I felt so vulnerable and exposed, on display for some of the sickest men in the world.

Lorenzo tapped Luca on the shoulder, then turned his attention to me. As his gaze met mine, Luca’s lips parted. His eyes traveled up and down length of the wedding gown.

I had the attention of all my men.

Marcello’s sad blue eyes held mine captive as he shook his head. He hated seeing me in another man’s dress. Damian’s expression was hard, controlled, like he had gone to his dark mental place. I hoped he would keep his cool long enough to get out of here.

I left Bastian for last, finding it unbearable to let him see me like this. Teeth clenched, he balled his hands into fists at his sides. I watched his chest rise and fall, his breathing growing more erratic as he studied every inch of my body.

None of them could make any sudden movements, or show Lorenzo they cared. They had to pretend I was nothing more than a plaything. A way for their family to get revenge for their mother’s murder.

It was what I would have done.

I would have made it look like they were my enemy. That was the only way they would survive this nightmare.

For years, they had shut off their emotions. Tuned out the world and pretended as if they didn’t care about a thing. I had to remind myself of that when Luca turned away from me. He said something to Lorenzo, rolled his shoulders without a care.

The guards halted when we reached the end of the long carpeted aisle. Lorenzo stepped away from my guys with an evil grin in place.

His thumb brushed my cheek, his skin rough against mine. “You’re a beautiful bride, Alexandrea.”

He set off down the aisle alone, leaving me standing there without further instruction. I figured it wouldn’t be a traditional wedding. No bridal music or bridesmaids. But it surprised me when Lorenzo stood beside a priest on the platform.

Aiden extended his hand to me and whispered, “You can do this.”

I glanced over at my guys, begging them with my eyes to do something. Marcello gave me a reassuring nod. That was all I needed to take Aiden’s hand.

Sweat coated my palm, forcing my brother to tighten his grip as he led me down the aisle. I felt like I was walking down a plank to my death. Like I was two seconds from falling off the edge of a boat, about to drown in a sea of nothingness.

At least Aiden was with me.

My guys were here, too.

Lorenzo grabbed the microphone from the podium. “Thank you for joining us onIsola del Diavolo. Your bids have secured you a seat at the table. But the real fun will start after I take care of important business.” He pulled me closer. “Do you see this beautiful woman? Her name is Alexandrea Wellington.”

An echo of gasps went around the room. A few of the men even clapped.

“She’s the only living granddaughter of Carl Wellington. I know most of you are familiar with our history. But for those of you who are unaware, fifteen years ago, Alexandrea’s mother murdered my beloved niece, Evangeline. She took her from my family. From her sons.” He pointed his finger at Luca and Marcello. “Their father covered up her death with a car accident. My nephews colluded with the Wellingtons.” A grin tipped up the corners of his mouth. “I have waited a long time to repay the Wellingtons and the Salvatores for their sins.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a man dragging a woman onto the stage with us. My mouth dropped at the sight of my mother held at gunpoint. Covered in black and blue bruises from head to toe, she limped as the man shoved her toward Lorenzo.

I almost felt bad for her.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic