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“Yes,” I whispered as I fisted his hair and tugged on it, encouraging him to keep going.

“Do you want me to kiss it all better?” Damian peeked up at me, his lips glistening with my cum. “Tell me how you want me to make it up to you.”

I held his dark hair in a vise. “Do you really want to make it up to me? Or are you trying to manipulate me?”

He winked. “A little of both.”

And then his mouth was on me again, and I couldn’t even focus on my anger, let alone yell at him. We eventually got into the shower, and he fucked me against the wall with my arms above my head as he entered me from behind. The second time, he was still rough, but I was ready for it. I finally understood there was no changing a man like Damian Salvatore. And I realized I wouldn’t want him any other way.

Afew hours after the rough sex with Damian, Marcello stopped by his mother’s studio to watch me paint. He sat in the armchair by the easel in complete silence, entranced by each swipe of my brush. His cell phone rang as I finished with the painting of Damian.

Marcello spoke in Italian and then shot up from the chair, extending his hand to help me up from the floor. “We have to go. Luca wants us in his office.”

I took his hand, pressing my palm to his chest to regain my bearings. “Why?”

“Your grandfather is here.”

He grabbed my hand and led me across the studio, dragging me down the hallway and upstairs to the third floor. Luca occupied most of the west wing. I craned my neck to get a better look at the library as we passed by the double doors. We entered Luca’s office, which had high ceilings and a long mahogany desk set between a wall of windows. A patio overlooked the bay.

I was a surprised to see Drake Battle and Cole Marshall on the couch beside Damian and Bastian. Everyone gathered around Luca, who lounged in an oversized armchair by the fireplace. It was clear he would become their leader, always at the center of the group.

Sonny Cormac and his brothers, Finn and Callum, leaned into each other, their whispers ceasing when I entered the room with Marcello. Luca propped up his dress shoe on his knee, shooting a severe look in my direction. As I took in the sight of my handsome devil dressed in a black suit with a gold tie, my mouth watered.

I hadn’t seen him since we got home from The Mansion. For as much as I wanted to hate him, I couldn’t deny he had an instant effect on my body, stripping me bare with his eyes.

Luca’s jaw ticked as he studied the bruises on my neck and arms. “What the fuck happened to you?”

I shook my head. “Not now, Luca.”

His eyes shot across the room at Bastian and Damian, and he bared his teeth as he looked at them. Damian gave him an apologetic look while Bastian just shrugged.

“Yes, I would like to know why my granddaughter looks like she’s been in a car accident,” Pops said with anger in his tone, his gaze fixed on the dark marks around my neck.

“I’m fine,” I assured him.

I waved to no one in particular and said hello to the group. Some men spoke, while others tipped their heads in greeting. Sonny gave me one of his pretty boy smiles.

“Why are you limping?” Luca asked me, his eyebrows tipped up in question.

I glanced at Damian and shook my head. “Ask your brothers.”

Damian smirked.

Bastian laughed.

My entire body ached from my encounter with Damian. It wasn’t just from him being rough. I’d also fucked Bastian twice before Damian got a hold of me and destroyed my pussy.

They marked me good.

Luca shook his head, clearly annoyed that his brothers got to spend quality time with me. He was the only one who refused to fuck me.

“Over here, Alex.” Pops flagged me down, a frown making the wrinkles around his mouth look more pronounced. “Come sit beside me.” Then he turned to Arlo and said, “I never agreed to let your sons mutilate my granddaughter.”

Arlo’s eyes shot to me, then to each of his sons. “It won’t happen again, Carl.” He patted him on the shoulder. “Alexandrea is safe at our estate.”

Marcello took his place on the couch next to Damian and Bastian. I rushed over to Pops and threw myself into his arms. He was the reason I was in this situation. But my life would have been much worse if he hadn’t saved me from my awful parents.

My eyes swept over the room. “What’s going on?”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic