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Marcello’s arms trembled, his thrusts quickening as his cock pulsed inside me. He hugged me from behind with one arm. The sweat from his chest coated my back. We were a tangle of limbs, so fucking spent.

He pulled out of me, ran his hand over my ass, then slid his finger down my wet slit. I felt his cum drip out of me. Marcello dropped to the bed beside me with a satisfied groan.

“Don’t move, baby.” Luca got up from the mattress and stood at the edge of the bed, his cock in front of my face. “Give me that sexy mouth.”

Already on my hands and knees, I moved closer to him.

He fisted my hair with one hand, cock in the other. “Good girl.”

My scalp hurt by the time he grunted curses, whispering my name as he rode out his orgasm.

“Open up,” he ordered, his warm cum coating my tongue. For being so drunk, his aim wasn’t bad, but some of it got on my chin. He swiped his thumb across my bottom lip. “Swallow all of my cum, baby.”

After I swallowed, I opened my mouth for him. He licked his lips, then bent down to kiss me. Just a peck so he could taste himself on me.

I sat back on my heels, my hands on my thighs as I looked up at him. He clutched my chin and kissed my lips.

“You fucked up tonight. Don’t do that to me ever again.”

His thumb grazed my lip, his eyes burning into mine. “I’m trying to prepare you forLegare.” Luca stepped back, studying me for a moment before turning his gaze on his brother. “Marcello, make sure our queen gets a bath and then off to bed.”

He shoved his cock back into his pants and fixed himself. Then he swiped the bottle of Macallan from the floor, took a swig, and then he left the room.

The door slammed behind him.

I glanced over at Marcello, still trying to catch my bearings. “What the fuck just happened?”

He shrugged, unaffected by the unusual turn of events. “That was Luca being Luca.” Marcello tipped his head toward the door. “You heard him.” His long legs dangled off the side of the bed, his feet hitting the floor. “Let’s go. Bath and then bed.”

My eyes shot open, and panic flooded my chest. Struggling for air, I sucked in deep breaths as his hand covered my mouth, the other wrapped around my throat as he caged me against the mattress with his long, muscular body.

I attempted to scream, and he tightened his grip on my throat, crushing my windpipe with his hand. Even in the dark, I could see the evil smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. I kicked and squirmed, desperate to break free from his death grip. He was too strong, his body hard as steel and pressing down on my chest.

I gasped for air and pawed at his fingers. “What are you doing, Luca? Get off me.”

He slid his hand up and down my throat, massaging the skin while still maintaining a firm grip. “Are you going to play nice, baby girl?”

His words were cold and silky, his usual calm before the storm. Luca never yelled, which always struck me as odd for someone with so much rage inside him. I shook my head, and his nostrils flared, matching the intensity that brewed in his eyes.

“Then my hand stays over your mouth,” he snapped.

I groaned, my words muffled as I attempted to scream.

“So, what’s it gonna be?” Luca stuck out his tongue and licked the length of my cheek, stopping right below my eye. “You ready to act like a good girl?”

Using every bit of my power, I shoved my palms into his chest, but it was like trying to move a car with my bare hands, pointless and not worth the energy. He would only make it hurt worse, dragging out the pain because he got off on it.

“Now,” he said, his voice like gravel. “Are you going to scream if I move my hand?”

“No.” I muttered.

He uncovered my mouth. “I just want to talk, baby.”

“Get out of my room, psycho.” I turned to my side, where his brother had fallen asleep beside me. “Where is Marcello?”

Luca’s lip trembled from the wave of anger shaking through him. “He’s dealing with an issue for Salvatore Global. Don’t worry about him.”

“There are other ways to talk to a person.” I squirmed beneath him. “You don’t have to hold me down like an animal.”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic