Page 59 of Boardwalk Kings

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“When you come here next week, I want to show you something new.”

Her right eyebrow rose a few inches. “Like what?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Another sex room?”

“Maybe.” I hit the recliner button on the side of the chair and sat up with her as the chair shifted back into place. “You’ll have to wait and find out.”

I tucked her black hair behind her ears and brushed my thumb across her cheek. She looked so sophisticated and put together when she first arrived. And now she was a mess. Her hair was all over the place, her makeup smeared. Streaks of mascara dried beneath her eyes from when she choked on my cock.

My cell phone buzzed in my pocket. Before I fished it from my jacket, I knew it would be Dante.

Ava was thirty minutes late.

Oh, well.

“She’s leaving now,” I said to Dante. “We lost track of time.”

“Is your time more valuable than mine?” Dante growled into the receiver.

“No,” I shot back. “Fuck, Dante. Would you chill out? Ava will be back at the Portofino in ten minutes.”

“If she’s not standing before me in ten minutes, there will be repercussions.”

He hung up before I could answer.

“Cazzo,” I muttered, stuffing the phone back into my pocket. “Get dressed.” I tapped Ava’s ass, and she squealed. “We’re done for tonight.”

“I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”

I bobbed my head. “Good luck. He’s in a bad fucking mood.”



Istaggered down the long hallway beside Tony, my eyes aimed at Dante. He leaned against the wall by the elevator and shook his head. His nose wrinkled in disgust.

I looked like a hooker.

Angelo destroyed my panties and skirt, so I borrowed clothes from a girl who worked at The Monella Club.

“I told Angelo you had ten minutes,” Dante growled as he moved toward me, closing the distance. He raised his arm, pushed up the sleeve of his jacket, and inspected his watch. “You were supposed to be here at midnight. But you were too busy sucking my brother’s dick to do your fucking job.” His nostrils flared as he hovered over me, his black hair falling in front of his eyes. “Was I not clear? I don’t like liars or whores. And I will not put up with this shit. So when I say be here at midnight, you better be standing by this elevator waiting for me. Do I make myself clear, Miss Vianello?”

“Crystal,” I shot back with an attitude.

He gritted his teeth. “I’m not in the mood. Don’t test me.”

“Maybe if you’d loosen up once in a while, you wouldn’t be so stressed out all the time.”

I knew it was stupid to poke the bear, but he was pissing me off. Anyone could have gone to the brothel and strip club to collect the money. They only made me do it to torture me.

“That’s it.” He clutched my wrist and dragged me over to the elevator. “You represent my family when you walk around looking like a street person.” He tugged on the hot pink spandex top and groaned. “Where the fuck did you get this outfit? It’s cheap… and disgusting.”

“I left the casino in my clothes. Blame Angelo for cutting them off me.” I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and stepped away from him. “This was all he could find on short notice. Unless you want me to walk around naked.”

Tony handed Dante the duffle bag with the money. Bossman shoved me inside the elevator when the doors opened. “You wouldn’t need new clothes if you’d learn to keep your legs shut.”

Tags: Jillian Frost Erotic