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Chapter Thirty-Three


When I get home, Griffin’s already at the dining table, working on his laptop. He’s changed into a white T-shirt that stretches beautifully over his torso and faded jeans that hug his hips just right. Even dressed casually, he looks like a professor. It’s the quiet intelligence in his eyes, I decide. It seems to disguise the fact that he’s built like a mixed martial arts fighter.

I open my mouth to tell him about Todd stalking me at the deli. But before I can get a word out, Griffin shuts his laptop.

“How fast can you pack?” he asks, in his typical impassive tone.

“Pack? For what?”

“A short trip.” His eyebrows snap together briefly. “Only three nights. I wish we could stay longer, but that’s the limit of vacation time I could manage for both of us.”

“We’re going on vacation?” I repeat blankly. “I can’t just up and leave. I have meetings tomorrow to wrap up the week.” Silicone Dream has Friday reviews.

“They’ve been taken care of.”



“You spoke to Heather?”

He looks at me like I’m being obtuse on purpose. “Who else manages your schedule?”

Good point. “So why didn’t she say something to me?”

“If she had, this wouldn’t be a surprise.”

I flip through my mental calendar for what’s special about this weekend. Valentine’s Day has passed. “What’s the occasion?”

“Your birthday.”

“Oh.” I totally forgot. Ellie would’ve reminded me on Friday, but I’ve tried not to think too much about my birthday since Dad remarried. It hurts less that way. Oh yeah, everybody forgot my birthday—even me! We’ve been so busy, hahaha.

Before Grandma passed away, she made sure to take me out to fancy dinners and give me presents. Ellie showed up to celebrate, too. Now that Grandma’s gone, Heather puts together an office party for me. But I never expected Griffin to plan a special getaway. We aren’t even in a real relationship. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure he likes me much.

“I don’t know what to say,” I manage finally.

He gives me a small frown, like I’m speaking Latin. “‘Thank you’ will suffice.”

“Thank you.” I smile. “So. Where are we going?” Maybe a short jaunt to Napa Valley, or maybe Las Vegas—


I go still as I try to process what he told me. “Say that again.”

A corner of his mouth twitches in a faint smile. “Tokyo.”

“In Japan?” I say, starting to hyperventilate.

“That’s the one.”

“Oh my God! Tokyo?” I squeal, then hug him hard. “Are you serious? Tokyo? Thank you!”

He laughs, the sound rusty, like he hasn’t done it in a while. Then he stops and awkwardly pats my shoulder before stepping back. “Now go pack.”

I nod and leap up the stairs. As I do, the realization that I’m going on a vacation is sinking in. And not just any vacation—Tokyo!

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance