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Chapter Thirty-Two


–Griffin: Your passport is still valid, right?

I stare at the text.

“What is it?” Ellie says from the seat opposite mine. We’re having lunch at a deli not far from the office. They have the best BLTs in Lovedale.

“Griffin wants to know if my passport is still valid.”

“So why are you frowning? You got one for your honeymoon in London. It’s still good, right?”

“I know. It’s just…” I try to gather my thoughts. “I don’t know what to make of him.” That bugs me for some reason. Even though he’s my “fake” boyfriend, I want to get to know him better. At least become friends. It’s hard to become friends with somebody who remains a mystery.

And it bothers me that I keep having feelings and dirty thoughts about a man who is just so…difficult. He can’t even admit to liking puppies! Does he think I’m going to use it against him somehow? Did I give him the impression that I’m some kind of supervillain?

“What did he do?” Ellie asks.

I shake my head. “He’s just confusing me.”

“Okay, so talk. Maybe I can help you sort it out.”

“All right.” I try to gather my thoughts. “So he’s all protective and stuff, you know? Otherwise he wouldn’t have moved in to keep me safe from Todd.”


“And he doesn’t look at my work like it’s stupid because I’m just running a sex toy company. When I told him what we do, he seemed curious. Just asked a few questions without getting all obnoxious and frat boy about it.”

Ellie nods. “So far I’m only hearing positives.”

“He won’t praise or compliment anything. Or indicate that he even likes something. We’ve been living together for almost three weeks, but I don’t know what his favorite song is, what kind of food he prefers, what he likes to do to relax. I only know what he doesn’t like. I think he hates it when I sing because he always interrupts and asks about my day. And you know, if that was all, I’d be annoyed. But then he actually pays attention to what I’m saying!”

Ellie makes a sympathetic noise, although she still looks mystified. “So you’re upset that he wants to talk about your day?”

“No! That isn’t the point.” Argh. I’m not sure why I’m having trouble communicating with Ellie. I’m usually better than this. “It’s just that I don’t know what he likes because he’s so closed off about it.”

“Maybe he doesn’t like anything. He could be one of those people who’s always displeased about something. Like my grandma. She hated everything and everyone.”

That’s true. Ellie’s grandma was infamous for that when we were growing up. She didn’t even like her own grandchildren.

“I’m sure he loves something,” I say, refusing to believe I have the hots for a guy who’s impossible to please. “He just won’t admit it.” Which is weird. I can’t understand the purpose of bottling up your own bubbly happiness.

“Such as?”

I think for a second. “Puppies. I know he adores them. I showed him a picture, and his eyes went all gooey soft. But then he said they’re just okay.”

“Maybe he’s one of those emotionally stoic men. You’re lucky he actually speaks rather than grunts.”

“Yeah.” My eyes stray to my phone still sitting on the table. I haven’t responded to Griffin’s text yet. I pick it up.

–Me: Yes. What’s this about?

–Griffin: Research.

“He doesn’t even like his job,” I murmur.

“That’s not unusual. A lot of people hate their jobs. They work because they need the money.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance