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“She did, thank you, but it’s not about that.” She looks up at me, her eyes shining. “Oh, I’m so happy for you!”

“Okay, did something happen yesterday after I left the office?”

“You don’t have to pretend.” She props her elbows on the desk, linking her fingers together, then rests her chin on the hands. “We’re all just thrilled you’ve moved on. The chapter with that jerk is finally finished, and the page has been turned!”

“Chapter? Jerk?”


“The divorce was finalized a few weeks ago.” And everyone at Silicone Dream knows about that. I made sure of it.

“Yeah, but we’re doubly thrilled that now you’re dating a man you deserve.” She winks. “An ex doesn’t really feel like an ex until you replace him with something better, you know?”

“Uh… Who exactly are you talking about?”

“The hottie! I don’t know why you didn’t tell us sooner. Those shoulders… That ass…! Mmm-mmm.”

The Midnight God has some of the best shoulders I’ve ever clutched. I can confidently say the same about his ass as well. But how could my employees know about him? Actually, they couldn’t be talking about him because I’m not dating him.

When I continue to stare blanky, she sighs. “You’re worse than Michelle trying to play dumb.”

“Barbara, I’m not playing dumb. I am lost.”

“Please. Everyone’s seen the video.”

“What video?”

She frowns and shows me her phone. I lean forward, then put my hand over my mouth as the scene in the garden plays out, starring me, Griffin and Todd.

“Who posted that?” I ask.

“Some kid from Wollstonecraft. He tagged Todd, but not Griffin Lasker. Probably too hot to be tagged. Just look at that man.”

Well. Yes. Barbara is correct. Griffin is scorching, and he made me think of similarly hot sexual acrobatics when I met him, but we’re not dating…

I should probably correct everyone. On the other hand, would that complicate things? Make Griffin look like a liar for implying that we’re dating? He did it to save me from Todd’s ridiculous antics, and I don’t want to repay him by backstabbing him without saying something to him first. Plus, I don’t want Todd to learn Griffin and I lied yesterday and charge back here to discuss a future reconciliation only he wants.

“Sierra! There you are.” Heather waves. “I was wondering when you were coming in. You have a meeting at nine and have a couple of things to review beforehand.”

“Sorry,” I say, turning to my assistant. She was probably a little antsy, since I like to review the agenda for each meeting five minutes before it starts.

We start walking toward my office.

“You should’ve told me about him,” she chides me softly. “You know I’m discreet.”

I just give her a neutral smile.

“That econ professor is so much better than the horrible thing you divorced. And good for you. The only real mistakes in life are the ones you don’t learn from, and that goes for relationships as well. I’m so relieved you’re being extra selective now.”

“So am I.” If we only look at the exterior, Griffin is pretty much perfect. It’s just that there are other considerations.

Such as how he finds this company embarrassing. I didn’t miss the disapproval in his gaze when he looked at the monument to our first major product in the lobby. When I was taking him outside to talk, he was looking around, searching for something to criticize, verbally or otherwise.

The only difference between Griffin and Todd’s disapproval of Silicone Dream is that Griffin likes to communicate with his eyes, while Todd likes to vocalize. Oh, and Griffin doesn’t tolerate people bad-mouthing the company.

I reach my office and place my purse on the desk. Heather hands me some coffee just as my phone pings. I check the screen, praying it isn’t Dad or Linda.

–Ellie: You sly girl you!

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance