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Laughing, I take the proffered mug and sip the hot brew. “Oh, this is good. Okay, so anyway…” A small sigh escapes my parted lips. The Midnight God’s just so perfect. “This guy came to my rescue.”

The heroic gesture of saving me—a damsel in distress—and carrying me here in his arms. A gorgeously sculpted physique. And the most amazing orgasms of my life. I know Silicone Dream makes the best toys in the world, guaranteed to give you awesome Os, but—loath though I am to say it—he is superior.

The only man I’ve ever met who could make that claim.

“Oooohh…” Her eyes sparkle. “You’re blushing.”

I clear my throat. “Okay, fine, so you caught me mooning over him. He’s hot. What am I supposed to do except blush?”

Grinning, she does a come-on motion with her fingers. “Give it to me. You know I want to hear every delicious morsel of detail.”

Laughing, I go over everything, except for the sex part. She doesn’t need details on that, except that it was amazing. Just freakin’ fantastic. My lady parts tingle from just talking about the night.

“Wait, so Todd never gave you a good orgasm?” Ellie says.

“I mean, he gave me some orgasms, but they weren’t anything to brag about. Our vibrators do better. A lot better.”

She makes a what-a-loser face. “Then why does he act like he’s some hotshot sex machine?”

“Delusion? He thinks he’s God’s gift to English poetry as well.”

She scoffs. “Instead of hiring him to teach poetry, Wollstonecraft College should’ve hired him as a subject for a study on delusional narcissists.” She bites into her bagel, generously smeared with cream cheese. “So do you have a picture of this hottie?”

“No,” I say. “We kept things anonymous. That’s why I still have the mask marks on my face, because I kept it on all night. So did he. I had to take it off when I woke up because my skin was so irritated and itchy.”

Ellie doesn’t seem too thrilled with my explanation, but nods anyway. “Name?”

I shrug.

“Okay, hold on. At least tell me you exchanged numbers.”


She looks at me like I’ve lobotomized myself with a steak knife. “What? Why? How are you going to get in touch with him for more orgasms?”

“Because. It’s obvious he isn’t from SoCal.”

“How can you tell?”

“Ellie, he wore a suit to the party. Nobody from SoCal would’ve come to a masquerade in a suit.”

“Hmm.” She taps her chin thoughtfully. “Okay, that’s a good point. Still, you could do weekend dates, especially if his penis is that magical.”

“That’d be taking us into relationship territory. I’m not looking for a long-distance we-only-meet-on-weekends thing. I want somebody I can see every evening and share moments with.”

“God invented video chat for a reason, Sierra.”

“It’s not the same. You can’t cuddle with your phone.”

“Ah, but you can have phone sex,” Ellie says.

I pause for a second. Yes, that’d be hot, but I’m not letting sexual attraction derail me from what I want, even when it comes with incredibly good sexual chemistry. “That’s not the same thing either. I’m looking for somebody to share my life with, not just have sex on weekends when our schedules work out.”

Ellie doesn’t look convinced. “If you’re sure. But I still think you should’ve gotten his name and number. Just in case.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance