Page 177 of My Grumpy Billionaire

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Chapter Seventy


The second I arrive in the office the next morning, Ellie jumps from her seat and rushes over.

“Show me the ring! I’ve been dying to see it since you texted me last night!”

I laugh and extend my hand. “Here.”

“Oh my God! It’s huge! How many carats is this?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. He didn’t say, and I didn’t ask.” I start walking toward my office.

She follows. “Is it crass to want you to go to a jeweler so we know for sure?”


“Come on!”

I laugh. “How big the rock is isn’t important. I already said yes.”

“I’m not saying you should take it back if it’s smaller than my guess.”

I give her a do-share-your-guess look.

“I say it’s fifteen.”

Looking down at the ring, I suspect it might be that large. Or larger.

“Please. It’s for research,” Ellie says.

“For what? We aren’t adding diamonds to the Midnight God line.”

“I’ve decided to write a romance novel.”

“That’s great! You should totally let me read it when you’re done.”

“You’ll be the first to get the book. But to write it, I need to know what kind of ring men buy these days, so by the time I get to the proposal scene in my book, I can write one realistically. You know, with authority.”

I roll my eyes. “Make your hero a billionaire and he can pop the question in style with a hundred-carat diamond ring.”

We burst out laughing.

“So when’s the wedding?” she asks.

“As soon as we can arrange it.” I try not to swoon with joy as I speak.

“I’m your maid of honor!”

“Of course.” I smile.

“Are you inviting your dad and all?” By all, she means Linda and Felicia.

I make a face. It’s an awkward question. Griffin told me I don’t have to invite anybody I don’t want, but there’s this tiny part of me that wants to see Dad happy for me at the wedding, the way he was at my first one with Todd.

I’m probably being silly and needy, but… Sometimes, no matter how hard you tell yourself you’re okay, things linger and fester and…

I sigh. “Dad, probably. The others… I don’t know.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance