Page 163 of My Grumpy Billionaire

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Chapter Sixty-Three


I hurriedly pack all of Griffin’s stuff into a box. I wish I had the time to fold his clothes more neatly, but I need to get to the college before his office hours are over. According to the faculty website, there’s only half an hour left.

Still, I can work with that. I want us to go back to how we were before that horrible party on Friday. And I’m not going to roll over. I’ll work like hell to regain that happiness. For both of us.

I park my Ferrari in the lot, pick up the box and trot toward Fullilove Hall. I’ve never actually been to the building named for my family. This structure was constructed while Grandma was alive, with money she donated to the college.

It feels oddly satisfying to walk into something my family created to better the world. So many students study here, enriching and bettering themselves.

I reach the second floor, where Griffin’s office is located. I look around, wondering which way I should go, since the stairs dumped me in the exact center of the hall.

“Oh! Hi, Sierra.”

“Hello,” I say to Lori. She isn’t exactly my favorite person at the moment. However, I decide that I can’t blame her one hundred percent. She was probably too stunned to exercise better judgment.

“Delivering something?” she asks, looking at the box.

“It’s for Griffin. Which way is his office?”

She gestures. “That way.”


I march toward his office, taking a deep breath to calm my churning belly. A couple of doors are open, and I see professors at their desks. There is one office with its door closed, and a couple of students are sitting on the floor, their backs against the wall.

I walk past them until I reach the end of the hall. Griffin’s office is closed.

Okay, girl. You got this. Tell him you’re sorry that the sex toy line thing came out the way it did, and ask him what we can do to overcome that.

All right. I can do that. Stay calm and persuasive.

After taking another deep breath, I knock. There’s no response. I check my watch. Five minutes to spare.

Did he go to the bathroom?

I try the knob, but it doesn’t budge.

I look around, wondering if there’s an announcement about a change in his schedule. Something rustles underneath my shoe. I look down and see a sheet of paper.

I squat down to pick it up. It says his office hours have been canceled for the day. A single piece of curled and dusty tape is attached to the notice.

Nooooo!How can this be? It’s like the universe is conspiring against me!

You can’t do this after throwing us together! You need to give me a chance!

Lori comes over. “If you want, I can keep the box for you and give it to Griffin when he’s here.”

“Oh, I don’t want to impose.” Besides, if I give this to her, how am I going to find a smooth way to approach Griffin?

“Really, I’d be happy to. I feel really terrible about what happened on Friday. I was just shocked and excited. Even though I’ve lived in SoCal for eight years, I’ve never met a real celebrity. And Griffin is related to two! I just thought it was so glamorous.”

“I see.” Her explanation helps me understand her better, and I feel a little more forgiving toward her now.

“And the thing about the sex toys was totally hot.” She leans closer, lowering her voice. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but a lot of the female professors here have major crushes on him. But none of us had any luck. He’s difficult to get close to.” She purses her mouth. “I didn’t realize he would be so sensitive about it. But maybe I should’ve known. He’s a very private person. Rarely talks about himself, and never about his family. You know what I mean?”

I don’t know. In the weeks we were living together, he showed me aspects of himself that made me feel like I was part of his life. He made sure I knew he cared. Introduced me to his brothers.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance