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“I did, but you weren’t listening. You never do!” He shakes the hand wrapped around my wrist so hard that my whole body rocks back and forth. “Do you know how terrible this divorce is for my career?”

I wish I weren’t in strappy sandals. Otherwise, I’d kick him. Hard.

“Let go!” I try wrenching my arm away, but his hold is too tight. I don’t have to be able to see into his eyes to know they’ve got that stubborn you’ll-listen-like-a-good-little-girl gleam in them.

He doesn’t care that we’re surrounded by partygoers. In fact, the general noise and hubbub is giving him cover. He also doesn’t care about hurting me, not from the way he’s clenching my wrist.

Cold goosebumps rise on the back of my neck. He’s been meticulous about maintaining a scholarly image. To the point that he’s almost a caricature—he actually started wearing non-prescription glasses to “lend gravitas” to his recitations of English romantic poems.

Holy crap, Sierra. How could you have missed that he hasn’t talked anything like a pompous, self-important professor since he ran into you?

Okay… Is this how Todd acts when he knows people won’t recognize him? The only thing that renders civility to my ex is that he cares about his image. Without that, he’s just a bully who likes to make himself feel smart and important by putting others down. Although he’s never gotten physically violent with me before, he’s bigger and stronger and will use whatever means at his disposal to make me do what he wants. It won’t be easy to shake him off.

I look around for something I can use to as a weapon. Unfortunately, none of these sample tubes of lube are large enough to do any damage.

“Nobody’s coming to your rescue,” Todd sneers.

“Nobody would need to if you’d just—let—go!” I grind out, trying to pull away. Todd doesn’t budge. Damn it. When I get home, I’m hitting the company gym! “I said, let go!”

“You heard the lady. Let her go,” comes a voice behind me.

Despite the coldness of the tone, there’s a dark edge to it that put my lady parts on full alert. In a very good but slightly inappropriate way, given the circumstances.

Who cares? He’s here to save you. Chivalry isn’t dead!my internal voice squeals with delight.

I twist around to look at my savior. He’s at least a head taller than me, his broad shoulders impossibly wide. Unlike the other men at the party, he’s wearing a black suit, cut to show off his trim waist. A black satin mask blends in well with his dark hair, making him look like some kind of god of midnight. There’s an air of languid menace about him, and his powerful presence commands respect. He’s focused on Todd, his mouth set in a flat line of disapproval.

My ex takes in the Midnight God, seeing the same things I’m seeing. I can almost hear the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out a way to look and sound superior. Finally he steps forward, his mouth twisting into a sneer. “Get lost, you overdressed lunk.” He tries for superior disdain but then ruins the delivery by licking his lips nervously.

I can’t believe Todd is making fun of the Midnight God because of the suit. Okay, it’s a bit too formal, but at least he doesn’t look like a doughy romance cover model reject.

Besides, I think a man who looks fabulous in a suit is hot as hell. And the hotness triples if he’s coming to my rescue.

“Don’t be an idiot,” I tell Todd, who’s demonstrated the manners and sense of a boar on psychedelics.

“Idiot? I’ll wager I’m the one with the higher IQ here.” Todd snickers, likely encouraged by the fact that my savior hasn’t done anything about the initial insult. “Isn’t that right, lunk?”

“Are you going to let her go?” the Midnight God says.

“I’m thinkin’…nah.” Todd puffs his torso up like a bird about to fight for territory—or an ex-mate. The quivering, glowing feathers on his mask only enhance the ridiculous effect. “You gonna do something about it?” He actually bumps chests with the Midnight God, jabbing a finger hard into his shoulder.

My savior gives a fractional shake of his head. The movement says, Some people just need to be taught a lesson, and he’s done playing nice.

Todd probably fights dirty. Although my money’s on the Midnight God, Todd might land a punch or two.

If my savior gets injured fighting my idiot ex, I’m going to comp him a lifetime supply of anything he wants from our men’s pleasure line. Plus, I’ll personally nurse him back to health. Oh, and hire a lawyer to sue Todd on top of it.

The Midnight God places a hand on my shoulder, the gesture reassuring and oddly protective. I feel the pressure change slightly, and there’s a thud that sounds like someone hit a tree stump with the blunt side of an ax.

Simultaneously, Todd suddenly yanks on my arm, pulling me sharply forward. “Ack!” I jerk back hard, so I don’t land on my knees.

His grip on my wrist slips away. Todd tries to grab my dress instead—asshole!—but his hand can’t seem to get any purchase on the slick material.

Then he’s lying on the floor. It’s hard to see in the dimness, but it looks like something wet is oozing from his mouth. I think he’s moaning a little, too, but it’s hard to tell because the music hits a climax, the singer belting out high notes.

Or maybe it’s just my heartbeats that are loud. Because oh my God, oh my God the Midnight God just took Todd down, and I didn’t even see him move! It was like magic. Like he has superpowers—my very own superhero.

The thought is making me melt.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance