Page 110 of My Grumpy Billionaire

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“Consider yourself lucky they gave you two. Could’ve been one.” Griffin’s tone is serious.

I look at him, then laugh when I note the faint crinkling at the outer corners of his eyes.

After the main course is finished, I get up, ostensibly to use the bathroom. I do need to use the bathroom, but I want to pay for our meal before Griffin can. So far, except for the souvenirs I bought at the department store, he’s paid for everything. This is an incredible trip, and I want to do something nice for him.

But when I stop our server and ask about the bill, he smiles. “It has already been paid, madam,” he says in accented English.


“Yes. Mr. Lasker prepaid when he booked.”

“I see,” I say slowly, trying to hide my disappointment. It isn’t this man’s fault.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?” he asks.

“No, thank you.” I flash him a smile, then look back at Griffin at the table. He’s sipping his bubbly and looking out over the cityscape as though he hasn’t a care in the world.

How can he afford all this?I don’t know how much econ professors make, but surely it can’t be enough to just casually pay for two first-class tickets to Tokyo…? When I was with Todd, he didn’t even pay for beers when we were out because I made so much more money, even though he hated admitting that.

Should I say something to Griffin about splitting the bill? It’d be a nice gesture, but I don’t want to offend him or hurt his ego. Men can get really weird about money, especially if the woman has more of it.

He’s a big boy. It isn’t like he doesn’t understand finance,a voice argues in my head. If he needs help, he’ll ask, or you can offer subtly.

I let out a breath and re-center myself. There’s no reason for me to worry about something when Griffin hasn’t demonstrated that he can’t take care of it. I push aside my unease. Just enjoy the time and have fun.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance