Page 105 of My Grumpy Billionaire

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Chapter Forty-One


After our amazing shower sex, I dry off and get dressed in a casual pink and purple dress that stops a couple of inches above my knees and some comfy sandals. I can hear the sound of TV in the living room. A male British anchor is talking about the financial outlook in Europe, and I marvel at Griffin’s interest in such topics.

I guess that’s why he’s an economics professor.

A super-hot, super-sexy economics professor,I think with a grin. He knows how to make a girl’s body sing.

I pick up my phone to check for messages. I haven’t glanced at it since the start of the concert.

Tons of texts from people at Silicone Dream wishing me happy birthday. Several texts from my stepsister, too.

–Felicia: You should’ve invited me to your birthday celebration!

–Felicia: I would’ve been happy to go to Tokyo with you!

–Felicia: I could’ve been there!

–Felicia: Well, anyway, happy birthday.

Well, you know what they say. It’s the afterthought that counts.

Since she’s never shown any interest in me, it’s painfully obvious what she’s really upset about. I kind of want to block her, but that would be a bit too mean. It isn’t like she called me names. Best just to ignore her.

I read the final set—the ones from Ellie.

–Ellie: Happy birthday, girl!!!!!!

–Ellie: I just realize I’m late to this because you’re in Tokyo, which means you’re 16 hours into the future! But my math says it’s still your birthday in Tokyo, so yay me for being on time!

–Ellie: OMFG!!! The video! This video!

She’s attached a YouTube link. I click on it to see what’s so exciting. It’s a video of Killian Axelrod looking for me, then singing “Happy Birthday.” Somebody at the concert recorded it on their phone and posted it last night. It has almost a million views so far.

I grin. Now everyone’s going to know what an amazing man Griffin is. And he’s all mine.

–Ellie: You’ve gone viral all over the world! Everyone wants to be you. Hell, I wanna be you! I wanna have Killian Axelrod sing me Happy Birthday. I’ll die a happy woman.

I laugh.

–Ellie: Griffin is amazing, girl. He’s a keeper! When a man treats you like this, you have to hold on to him with all you’ve got!

–Me: I know, I know.

–Ellie: I wonder how he managed to get in touch with the band? I didn’t know econ professors were so well connected! I should start trolling campuses to get me a hot sexy econ prof!

Hmm. That’s a good point. The band must get thousands of emails and letters from fans. What are the odds that the one Griffin sent just happened to catch their attention, just in time for my birthday, and at this particular concert?

On the other hand, it could be serendipity. Sometimes things just magically happen to bring a smile and some joy. Like how I met the Midnight God and then met Griffin. It’s like the universe just knew what I needed.

Questioning my good fortune would be ungrateful. Like Griffin said, when something amazing happens, I should just say, “Thank you.”

–Me: I’ll be cheering for you. Now I gotta go get something to eat and see this city.

I drop the phone into my purse and head out into the living room. Griffin’s in a pale azure button-down shirt and dark slacks, looking absolutely stunning. He’s rolled up his sleeves, and I finally understand why so many women drool over arm porn. There’s something raw and sexy about a fully dressed man displaying well-muscled arms.

Power. Strength. Competence.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance