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Throwing twenty bucks into the cute barista’s tip jar, I give her a wink. She blushes as expected, and I take my coffee and head out onto the streets of downtown San Diego. The office of Alexander Industries isn’t a far walk, and I make my way quickly.

As the elevator closes in front of me, I rub my jaw, remembering how amazing it felt against Willow. Unlike her attitude, her soft skin had been warm against mine. The firecracker had taken charge of the poker game, dominating a room of rich, powerful men, some of who have a dangerous and violent reputation.

I laugh at the memory of last night and shake my head. She took me for twenty thousand, but I would have paid a million dollars to keep playing with her. Her sassy mouth had my dick straining against my zipper the entire night as I watched her work. Laser-focused and dripping with sin. If she had come home with me, there would be no doubt in my mind every dollar lost would be worth it. From her bright blue hair to the tattoos that line her arms, Willow was a woman unlike any I had ever met, and the fact she turned me down only made me want her more. When she left, I thought for sure it had all been a dream.

The doors open on the top floor of the sky-rise building, and I make my way to my office. I nod hello to the woman at the front desk, like I do every morning. Down the hall, my secretary, Tracy, hands me my detailed schedule, just like every single fucking morning.

“Good morning,” I say to Tracy, my up-tight assistant, who is all business.

“Good morning, Sir.” She tops off her load with a folded newspaper. I don’t have to unfold it to know the side of that face in the picture belongs to me. But it’s a small press—probably some dip-shit thinking he’s got a scoop—I ignore it. From the time I was a kid, I knew exactly what had to be done and how long I had to accomplish it. My family has groomed me for my place as CEO of our family dynasty, and I’ve always done as I’m told, knowing my time would come and the kingdom would be mine. The billions of dollars that come with it have always made it more bearable to live with, but lately, I find myself restless, and the more risks I take outside the office, the more the tabloids seem to take notice.

“What time am I to expect my father today? Care to make a bet?”

Tracy finds no humor in anything and doesn’t even smile at my attempt at a joke. “Your father is waiting in your office, Sir,” she replies in her monotone voice and eyes the newspaper. I grimace at my image on the cover, knowing my father has already seen it.

I take a deep breath and push through my office doors to find the man of the hour, along with my best friend Christian, waiting for me even though I’m forty-five minutes early to work. But this isn’t unusual.

“Good morning, gentleman.”

“Morning, son. I’m glad you’re finally here. We have urgent business to discuss, and I’d rather you hear it from me than the board.”

“I just came to give you shit about last night, but now might not be the right time,” Christian says like a brother would taunt another.

Interesting. My worry rises as my brows dip. Then he slaps down the newest magazine with my face on the cover. Not Forbes this time. This one is a local gossip magazine that will undoubtedly reach our extensive network of business associates, and paints me in a rather ugly light. This is also not the first time this has happened either.

I run my hands down my face and look apologetically at my father, who is, by all means, a good man, despite being a member of high society.

“The board has called a meeting to discuss your behavior, and I thought it best if we go in with a plan of action.”

I let out a sigh. “I am sorry, father.”

“Sorry you stuck your dick in some young lady’s mouth in a public place, or that you were caught?”

I try to cover the smile his brash words elicit, but my father has always been an honest and blunt man.

“Laugh all you want, Archer, but get it out of your system. The board meeting is in an hour, and I doubt they will find it amusing.”

All laughter leaves the room, and I take in every word the article says about me. While I’m reading, Christian gets a call and leaves the room with a nod in my direction. I assume he needs to get back to his own department, thankfully letting me handle this and not make things worse, which he’s prone to do. My father, Arthur, looks back and watches him close the door, then turns to me, rubbing a hand down his salt and pepper beard with a worried look on his face.

“What is it?” I ask nervously.

He sighs before going on. “Your mother has met with everyone on the board about this, and you will not like where she’s taken her meddling this time.”

“This time? When the fuck have I ever been ok with her having any pull with the board? She always makes it personal when it should be business.”

He nods in agreement, still not telling me something.

“Dad, what am I going to be walking into?”

“I’m not supposed to be telling you this, but they plan to give you an ultimatum, hoping to calm you down. Honestly, your mother has encouraged them to press you to marry before you get to take over the rest of your shares in Alexander Industries. I’m sorry, son. I didn’t even know about it until this morning.” He shakes his head.

“They’re forcing me to get married?” I ask in disbelief.

“I don’t know all the details, but yes, I imagine they’ll put a heavy hand down on all your accounts until you find a wife and settle down. Son, you gave them a strong case against you.” He gestures to the tabloid to make his point. “You are the face of the company, and the papers now have you airing your indiscretions on the front page. This isn’t the image they want, or even one they can handle.”

I growl at my stupidity. He’s right. I’ve stepped way out of line and have to face the consequences. When I hooked up with the woman at a club, I never expected her to be photographed. It was a friend’s birthday party for fuck sake. Things got out of hand, I got a bit too drunk. I should have learned by now that nothing I ever do is private.

Tags: Heather Lauren Empire Records Erotic