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I sleep restlessly, waking to check on Lyla every hour. Finally, around five I get up. I kiss her, the love of my life, on the forehead, and as gently as possible pull my arm from under her head, impressed I managed not to wake her, though she must be exhausted from everything she’s been through. I grab my cell phone off the charger and shoot a text out to Jack. He held down all the different sites I have working around the city, and the man deserves a raise, one I will gladly be giving him.

Downstairs, I find Marcus and notice two large suitcases by the door. “Dude, what the fuck?”

I look at him like he’s lost his fucking mind. We literally just got back together. I mean made up and talked out our differences. Fuck, I feel like a pussy now. He starts laughing as he hands me a cup of coffee.

“Here, it’s Irish enjoy.” Then he turns back to the coffee pot. I take a sip of the hot, mostly whiskey coffee and take a seat. He’s cooking something that smells great.

“I needed carbs and alcohol, dude. I don’t know when I’ll get over last night. That’s not why my bags are packed though. I’m good with everything as long as we got Lyla, and I’m truly happy for you both, but the truth is I don’t think I could stomach walking in on you two again and before you say anything…” He stops me with my mouth still hanging open, and we hear Lyla coming down the stairs. I look and see the most beautiful sight. Hair in every direction, black mascara circling her eyes like a racoon, and dressed in sweatpants and my t-shirt. I smile and let her take my spot at the island. She kisses my cheek, and I go after more coffee.

“Yeah, like I was telling your adoring man here. I’m moving out and letting you lovebirds have your nest for all the freaky kitchen and wherever sex you want,” Marcus says as he puts a plate of spaghetti in front of her.

“What? You’re moving out? You can’t move out; we just made up.”

Her reaction makes me laugh. Funny how I thought the exact words she says.

“Lyla, you and Cole deserve to have your own place, and it’s his anyway. Plus, I would get at least twenty more minutes of sleep if I just moved into the apartments above the studio full time. Charlie’s already living in one, and I’m about to sign a band that will fill out the other apartments. They need a lot of managing, and I’ll be in the recording studio with them almost full time anyway. It just makes sense, babe. I’m not mad or pouting anymore; I promise,” he says and seems to leave my girl speechless.

“But…” We both laugh at her cute pouty face. “What do you mean it’s Cole’s anyway?”

“Well, he meant I own the building, my love,” I say easily and sip my coffee. I notice the smile that stretches on Marcus’ face then enjoy the sight of her mouth wide open. “Didn’t I mention that?”

“No. You definitely didn’t mention you own an entire apartment building.”

“This is only one of many, sweetheart,” Marcus says, laughing hysterically, and Lyla is just staring at me dumbfounded. “Your lover boy here owns most of San Diego at this point,” he tells her as I shrug and continue to drink my spiked coffee.

We eat and drink and tell jokes, and Marcus continues to tell her all about my money that I never thought was a big deal. I don’t think she does either, but it still surprises her. I love that about her. I love everything about her. A couple hours later I get a call from Roger. I immediately pick up and put it on speaker. “Roger, brother, how the hell are you?”

“Good, my friend, thank you. Wanted you to know your truck is back in your garage, and you don’t have to worry about that van. Also, and more importantly, turn the local news on, right now.”

Lyla walks over and grabs the remote, powering on the large TV we can easily see from the kitchen. We listen to the news reporter.

“In tonight’s spotlight story, a mob boss has been taken to jail on several counts including money laundering, embezzlement, illegal international trading, drug charges, and murder. Seventy-five-year-old Anthony Moretti, a man notorious for staying just out of reach of the FBI, has finally been arrested. Local enforcement officers were on the scene to help take in the man, as well as his driver who will be charged with similar charges. Most surprising is San Diego’s own Darren Henry is also in police custody. The famous local bachelor was found unconscious at his family’s estate with two of Moretti’s men and a large amount of cocaine, the exact amount has not yet been released. Moretti has also been linked to crimes in Chicago and was found with the body of America’s most wanted Howard Stapleton. More on his story tonight at ten.”

“Thought your girl would appreciate that bit of news. Have a great night, Cole.” Without a word from me he’s gone. Lyla turns the TV off and smiles from ear to ear.

“Feel better, baby?” I ask, and she nods.

“I won’t lie. I didn’t sleep much even though I was dead tired, but I had nightmares when I did nod off, so I feel a hell of a lot better knowing those men are going away.”

“Same here.”

“Same,” Marcus says and stands. “So, do you two think you’d be okay if I went over to the studio? I need more sleep, but I’m still crazy busy and have edits to do as soon as possible.”

I get a nod from Lyla.

“Yeah, man, we understand and appreciate it. Next family dinner, though, we are totally making out in front of you,” I joke and shake his hand as I slap him on the back, embracing for a long feelings-packed bro hug.

Lyla gets up, and they hug for a long while. I would be jealous if it were anyone else, but I’m so fucking happy they have their friendship back. My shoulders feel lighter, and I know it’s been weighing on me.

He leaves and without a word I take my woman upstairs. I undress her without a word and pull her into the steaming hot shower. I take her head in my hands and help the water wash the makeup from under her eyes. She holds my hands there gently as she closes her eyes. I kiss her forehead and hold her for several long minutes. When the water starts to run cold, we go to bed relieved, and sleep without nightmares haunting us. Instead, we’re back in our bubble, safe, just the two of us, in love, and all is right with the world.

Tags: Heather Lauren Empire Records Erotic