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We walk through the elaborate convention center to the main arena. I catch up to Lyla and Charlie and guide everyone to a side door down a long hallway. Two big guards stop us, and I show my VIP pass on my phone. They nod and both of them open the doors and we are hit with the sounds of Pantera’s “Walk.” I watch Lyla’s face light up like Christmas as she takes everything in.

Both her and Charlie take my arms, and we walk in to meet a blond hostess who waves her hand to guide us to our section. The three of us sit on a black leather couch, and our little group spreads out, grabbing drinks from a small bar and ordering different things from a waitress. The place is so loud and the perfect excuse to get close to Lyla. I lean into her and put my lips to her ear, placing a quick kiss on her lobe, and then I ask her if she likes it so far. She shivers and when I lean back to see her, she smiles a lust-filled smile and nods. I go back in, moving her hair away with my nose just to feel her and say, “Just wait.”

Leaning back, I give her a look that conveys all the dirty things I want to do to her and I’m not holding back anymore. Her eyes go wide, and she licks her cherry-stained lip and bites down on the bottom lip in a sweet grin. The sight gets me semi hard already and we just got here. I laugh internally and visibly swallow hard. She notices and looks to my lap, her grin stretching wide across her face.

The song changes and Charlie leans into me, sending me shooting back against the couch. She leans across me to say something to Lyla. Charlie stands up, and Lyla leans into me.

“We are going to find the ladies’ room. Be right back,” she says right up against my ear, doing nothing to help my growing dick, but I’m happy I chose to wear my hair down when she places a wet kiss right behind my ear and my eyes close without my control.

After a deep breath, I watch the girls leave, and I decide to head over to the bar for a drink. The fight is going strong and the arena is a madhouse. Cheers boom from thousands of fans as Caleb pins his opponent to the ground. The guy tries to buck him off like a damn bull, but Caleb’s impressive strength keeps him glued to him. The dude even stands up, and Caleb stays put around his waist and bends back and flips the guy headfirst onto the mat. The ref and announcer have a field day stopping the fight. Both fighters break and sit back in their corners for a few. When they go at it again, it is hands down Caleb’s fight, and everyone knows it. Lyla is suddenly back at my side and screams something but it’s impossible to understand. Her excitement is worth every penny I paid for tonight. The fight is over and Caleb is our reigning king, which will make tonight that much better.

I take her hand to get her attention and bury my face in her hair and eventually find her ear. She giggles before I say, “There’s more. Come with me.” She nods and I tell Marcus and the others to follow. I keep her hand in mine, not giving a single fuck at this point what anyone thinks. I lead them back out to the hall, and one of the guards helps guide us to a locked door. He scans a key card and opens the door for us. We walk for what seems like miles, and he scans us through another two doors before we reach a back door with a red star. The guard asks us to step back, and Lyla pulls on my arm with a thousand questions in her eyes, which I ignore and lead her through the door. As soon as we’re inside, we join a small group of people all talking about the fight. A few guys in front of me part and I see our boy. I pull Lyla and her face is priceless, complete shock and wide eyes and never more beautiful. Yep, totally worth it.

I grab a bottle of Black Label scotch from a table and walk up to the man of the hour.

“Ah, you must be Cole.” Caleb stands and greets us. I put down the bottle and shake the man’s hand, honestly not expecting the warm welcome.

“It’s nice to meet you. Great fight as always.”

“Thanks, mate. I appreciate it. That fucker was too easy though, not as much fun.”

He winks at Lyla and suddenly I’m less of a fan. She shakes his hand with a smile, and he asks us to join his table and introduces us to his wife and I can relax again. Our group easily mixes in with his entourage, and we all enjoy a glass of whiskey and listen to everything he says like the fans we are. Charlie comes over and pulls Lyla away and internally I’m working on a speech in hopes Lyla wants me as much as I want her, even if everything is complicated.

“Eh, mate, that your bird?” Caleb asks, pulling me out of my thoughts and pointing to Lyla whose face is as red as her dress. Something’s wrong. I jump up and hurry past a few people, weaving between tables and chairs, my eyes locked on her. She’s yelling at someone, but I can’t make out her words or who she’s yelling at. There are too many people in my way, and I can feel my blood boil. I start to shove my way through the crowd, losing sight of her for a second. When I reach her, Charlie and Marcus are pulling her toward the door, and my girl is fighting them tooth and nail, legs kicking. I hurry to scoop her up, throwing her over my shoulder, and head out the door. People behind us are screaming, and I can’t hear anything else until the doors close, and then it’s almost completely silent. Nodding to the guards they open the door and lead us down the hall. Muffled music from the arena drifts around us, and I can feel Lyla relax but she’s still breathing heavy. No one says anything until we step outside for the limo. I pull my phone out to text the driver, holding Lyla firmly on my shoulder. She wiggles, trying to get down, but I still her with a sharp slap to her ass, not thinking.

“What the fuck, Cole. Put her down.” Fuck, Marcus saw it. I gently set her down and back up to look at her. Her eyes are pinned to mine, her eyes screaming her anger.

“What happened?” I say gently. She grits her teeth and closes her eyes tight. When she looks at me again, I see a flash of embarrassment, and she turns toward the parking lot. “Lyla!”

She keeps walking, but I follow quickly behind, running in front of her.

“Do I need to go back in there and murder someone? Because I will. I have no fucking idea what’s going on other than you’re clearly pissed off.”

She finally stops but won’t look at me. Arms crossed over her chest, looking fierce and ready to brawl again.

“Just tell me and I’ll take care of it,” I gently whisper, closing the distance between us. When she finally looks at me, I can see a ghost of smile that wants to cross her face. So of course, I push. “Baby if anyone hurt you, I will fucking destroy them, but you have to tell me who.”

She steps closer to me and looks up, and a glorious smile breaks across her face in a wicked grin. “There was a dumbass fucker back there who grabbed my ass, so I punched him in the face and drove my knee into what I assume is a sorry excuse for a dick.”

The smile falls with her words, but her shoulders lose the tension, and I place my hands on them.

“That’s so fucking hot,” I say through gritted teeth, smiling down at her.

“Yeah, well, it’s probably going to put me in jail. I’ve never hit anyone before, but that guy was such a fucking asshole I just reacted before thinking.”

I look around for Marcus and our group and see them getting into the limo, so I bend down to her ear. “You’re not going anywhere tonight except my bed, but I’ll make sure you’re thoroughly punished for your bad behavior.”

Without looking at her I pull her hand and lead her to our ride and help her get in. Her smile is beaming like a pair of headlights so I’m sure everyone inside is sure to suspect something, but I have zero fucks to give right now. We slide into a cab to a thunderous applause, everyone clapping for Lyla who brought a grown man to his knees. I join in and she is beaming red but this time with a huge smile. Hopefully feeling like the badass I know she is. She was embarrassed and I honestly couldn’t be prouder. The only problem I have with the situation is, I didn’t get to hit him.

Slowly but surely everyone is dropped off, and we pull up to our house.

“We actually have one more stop, please,” Marcus tells the driver to my happy surprise and gives us a nod goodbye. I get out and help her to her feet, trying my hardest not to run upstairs. As soon as I lock the front door behind us, the atmosphere changes and is suddenly charged, and sparks fly like hot embers.

I grab her waist, my large hands around her small body only turning me on more and look deep into her lust-filled eyes. “I want you, Lyla. I have a million things to say, but right now I want to take you right here right now; do you want me?”

“Yes,” her voice breathless, the word barely a whisper. That is exactly what I hoped to hear. I slide my hands down her thighs, and my fingers itch for her skin. Slowly I pull up the skirt of her red silk dress. The shorter it becomes the more her grin stretches, and when I have the fabric bunched in my hands above her hips, I grab her delicious ass, hauling her up effortlessly, and she wraps her legs around my waist. Her arms wind around my neck, fingers digging in my hair, and she kisses me hard as I head toward the stairs where I will have her in my bed.

Tags: Heather Lauren Empire Records Erotic