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I nodded and made my way to the bar seating, where a few men and women were chatting and drinking coffee, having eggs and pancakes and laughing with each other. They watched me sit down, interested in me, and with good reason. Their stares were heavy, though, some filled with curiosity, others with accusation, and some with want.

My skin felt too tight, but I flipped over the upside-down coffee mug. One of the waitresses came straight over and began to pour. “Emerson, right?”


“Nice to see ya, Emerson. You’re giving everyone something to talk about today. The city-boy hermit who keeps to himself coming out to say hi.” She winked. My feelings must have been showing on my face because she leaned in, lowered her voice, and added, “Nothin’ against you, of course. These old fools will look for any reason to gossip. They spent all mornin’ talking about poor Sammy Saunders and how a few weeks back, his mama got so drunk again, they had to call him in the middle of the night to come get her. Nobody has seen her since. Her sister’s been by the house, and she’s okay, but that’s what she does after one of those nights, just locks herself away at her house for Sammy to take care of, too embarrassed to be seen. I’m sure that’s why he hasn’t married Molly yet. He can’t even move out because he’s so worried about his mama.”

A boulder sank my gut. That explained his reaction to the beer that day, and maybe his need for money and why he stayed in this town that would eventually snuff out that light inside him. Anger burned through me. I was pissed at the world for being the way it was, and at his mom for not putting Sam first, and at the waitress for spreading his business. That was one I could handle right then. “Seems they aren’t the only ones looking for any bit of gossip they can find. Keep Sam’s business to yourself.”

She gave a small gasp, clearly not having expected that. “I wasn’t… I didn’t mean… Everyone ’round town knows anyway.”

I didn’t. I hadn’t known.

Feet planted on the ground, I stood, ready to walk out, when the kitchen door was pushed open by Molly. Her gaze caught mine, then the waitress’s, then back to me again. I was sure something seemed off, but also knew she couldn’t have heard what was said. “Everything all right?” she asked, plates in her hands and one on her left forearm.

Slowly, I sat back down.

The waitress stood straight again. “Yep. Sure is. You ready to order?”

“I need a minute. Thank you.” I didn’t turn away from Molly. She kept her gaze on me too. I was sure the waitress didn’t want Molly to know she’d been discussing her friend, but Molly’s attention was now firmly on me. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, but it was obvious it wasn’t good. Was it because she didn’t agree with my arrangement with Sam? I couldn’t say I blamed her. Or did she think I was flirting with the waitress? That couldn’t be further from the truth.

“You gonna deliver that food or wait till it gets cold?” a man asked as he maneuvered his way around Molly.

“Yeah, sorry,” she replied, walking away.

I felt her eyes on me as I looked over the menu, while I ordered, then while I ate. When I went to the bathroom after I paid, I wasn’t surprised to find her lingering in the hallway.

Her eyes darted around, likely making sure we were alone. “He’s better than this…than what you’re offering him.”

“I know.” It was the truth.

“Then why are you doing it?”

“Because I’m selfish, and he’s an adult who can make his own decisions. He’s decided this is what he wants.”

“Because you’re—” she started, her voice loud, before softening it again. “Because he’s infatuated with you. He has been since the first moment he saw you. Sammy ain’t like you. He’s never met anyone like you either. He’s enamored, and to him, this is exciting. He never thought he’d get to have something like this, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to get hurt. He’s had enough of that in his life. Don’t be another disappointment for him.”

Words escaped me. There was a kaleidoscope of them in my head, but I couldn’t catch them, couldn’t sort them into anything that made sense. “It’s just sex,” was what I landed on. “And he’s getting money out of it that can help him.”

She puffed out an angry breath. “Don’t pretend you’re doing this for him. I might not be as worldly as you, but I’m not stupid. You said yourself you’re selfish. Just…don’t hurt him. He’s a brother to me, and I won’t have it.”

When she walked away, all I could think was how right she was and how glad I was that Sam had her.

Tags: Riley Hart Romance