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Hux’s fingers lightly raked lines up and down my bare back. “Take a breath,” he said softly.

I grunted. “You say that a lot.”

“Only to you.”

“I just…” I tried to think about the right way to word my question without sounding clueless. Or desperate. “I don’t really know…”

“The protocol,” he finished. I could hear a smile in his voice, but he didn’t sound mocking. That was something, at least.

“Well, yeah. I don’t want to make assumptions. Or say something stupid.”

Hux shifted me a little and used his free hand to tip my chin up until I met his eyes. “For starters, I’d like to stay in your bed tonight. All night.”

I stared at him without blinking. “Really?”

“Yes, but only if you’re okay with it. I meant what I said earlier that I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

“I’m okay with it,” I said, playing it cool. “Really very extremely okay with it.” Well, maybe not as cool as I’d thought.

“And if you want more… sexual encounters, all you need to do is tell me. Okay?”

I swallowed. Tell him? In words? Like, take me now, Huxley? Or if you’re not busy, could you pencil me in for something for later today? “Uh… pretty sure I can go ahead and authorize any future encounters right now,” I mumbled into his pec.

Hux tugged my head back to look at me. His fingers smoothed the hair back from my forehead. The look in his eyes was surprisingly… fond. “Maybe give me a few minutes to recover first. That first… encounter… was pretty mind-blowing.”

I nodded like a bobblehead. “Yeah. Yes.” I looked around the room, wondering again what a normal person would do in this situation. “Would you like a drink?” I asked politely. “Or a snack?”

Hux’s smile grew, but so did that fond look, so I figured that was okay. “Do you have a drink to give me?”

“No. But I could always go upstairs and get something. I mean, I have some soda and coffee in my lair, but it’s a little late for caffeine. Unless, of course, you’re one of those people who aren’t sensitive to caffeine. Did you know that fully ten percent of people don’t—”

Hux grabbed my chin and leaned up to kiss me, cutting off my awkward chatter and replacing it with something infinitely hotter.

I lost myself in the feeling of giving over control to him. I was learning very quickly that I loved the feeling of surrender. Nothing would have pleased me more than for him to take over and just tell me what to do.

He rolled me over until I was on my back on the bed and he was halfway on top of me. We made out like teenagers—well, not the kind of teenager I’d been but the kind I’d heard about. The kind that got up to no good in their parents’ basements.

I loved every minute of it and didn’t want it to end. Making out with Jasper Huxley felt like winning the lottery. Or finally getting a stolen duchess back to my homestead.

Or… my brain stuttered and flatlined, unable to dredge up a single fitting analogy, maybe because nothing in my entire life compared to this.

We kissed and felt each other up for a long time, long enough to make me secretly giddy that one good session seemed to be giving me years of the experience I’d been lacking. Every place I touched or kissed or nipped was a new experience, and I hoarded them all greedily.

“Oh, fuck. You’re burning me up,” he moaned when I accidentally rubbed my face against his hardness while worshipping each of his many, many abs with my tongue.

I jumped back and started apologizing before Hux leaned up and put his hand over my mouth. “Stop apologizing for turning me on, Kev. I want you to touch me. I crave it. You can do anything you want to me.”

“But what do you want?” I demanded.

His tongue touched the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flicked down to his cock, almost on instinct. He didn’t say a word, but it was enough to tell me exactly what he wanted. His hand fell away from my mouth.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” I blurted. “But, like, I’m not experienced. I mean, that much is probably painfully obvious, heh.” I swallowed thickly. “But, I… I’ll probably be terrible at it and embarrass us both. Heh.”

This time, I slapped my own hand over my mouth to stop the unpleasantness.

Hux tried to stifle a laugh. “There’s no possible way you could put your mouth on me, anywhere on me, and not have it be incredible.” He tapped my forehead with one thick finger. “Consider the inverse, Dr. Rogers.”

I blinked. The inverse? Hux’s mouth on me? Oh. Ohhhh. Yeah, I couldn’t imagine there was such a thing as “terrible at it.” And considering how badly I wanted him in my mouth, I figured I’d be an extremely motivated learner.

Tags: Lucy Lennox Licking Thicket - Horn of Glory Romance