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He checked his watch. “I won’t say no to anything with caffeine in it, but I reckon there’s no time for coffee.”

Probably not. Marcus would be here any minute.

I hurried out into the kitchen, though, to see if there was anything else I could put together. Besides bringing him a Coke.

“Does this mean you’re gonna hide in the bedroom?” I called.

I didn’t mind either way, so long as only Marcus and I were in the room when the breakup occurred.

“Nah, I’ll just show my face and leave,” he replied. “Then I’ll wait around the corner till he’s gone.”

That worked for me.

I totally counted, and forty-seven seconds later, I brought a bottle of Coke, a small bag of chips, and an apple I’d hurriedly cut into wedges.

“I’m not as good as Archie at preparing snacks, but I hope this works.”

“You’re sweet, baby. This more than works.” He stood up and accepted the Coke and grabbed a couple apple wedges. “I didn’t get to check out your library last night.” So that’s where he headed, to the stacks of books along the wall, past the guest bed. He squatted down and took a swig from the soda. “Oh, I remember my Patton phase.”

I chuckled. Yeah, I’d bought like twelve books about a bunch of old generals a few years ago. Mainly General Patton.

Deep breaths.

“I’m impressed,” he commented, holding up my copy of Aurelius’s Meditations.

I didn’t like the feeling in my stomach. It was both comforting and stressful to have Greer here when I knew Marcus was due right around now.

“I don’t feel good, Sir.”

He peered over at me and abandoned the books. “Want me to leav—”

“No!” It was nauseating just thinking about it. Because I was sure I’d feel even more stressed out and anxious if he left now. I didn’t want a moment of silence until Marcus knocked on the door.

He had the door code and wouldn’t need to be buzzed in.

“I just…I feel very removed from my relationship with him,” I confessed. “He has betrayed me so many times that…I don’t know, but I would’ve wished last week was the last time I saw him. Or heard from him ever again. I don’t see the point of talking to him anymore. We’re just gonna fight, and he’s gonna be mean.”

And I was going to get angry and upset.

“I’m not the guy I was last week anymore either,” I finished quietly.

“No, you’re not.” Greer stopped in front of me and gently nudged up my chin. “But I think confronting your history is good for you, sweetheart. I don’t care if you yell at him or chuck a boot in his face—in fact, I’d prefer it—because today is for you. Fuck him. He deserves to rot. But you deserve a chance to confront him for everything he’s done and what he turned you into.” He leveled me with a serious look. “Get what I’m saying? I’ve seen glimpses of your anger, Corey. I know you’re angry because you turned into a version of yourself you don’t like. I hear it in your nightmares almost every night. And that’s on him. Don’t you dare get pissed at yourself for what he did.”

I took a step back, dropped my gaze to the floor, and folded my arms over my chest. “I know you’re right logically, but…”

“I get it.” He closed the distance between us again and kissed me on the forehead. “It’ll take time, but you’ll get there. And we have all the patience in the world for that, don’t we?”

“I guess so.”

“I know so.” He lifted my chin once more. “Get as angry as you need, you hear me? Then I’ll take you out for non-dairy ice cream, which will make my vegan sister-in-law smug as shit.”

A giggle slipped out; I couldn’t help it. “I’m actually not fond of any type of ice cream, vegan or dairy.”

“Let’s focus on you not liking veganism,” he told me. “Can I take you out for French fries?”

“Totally.” I snickered and hugged him hard. Gosh, I didn’t deserve him or the other two. “But there’s plenty of vegan options I enj—” I stopped abruptly when I heard two knocks on the door.

“I hate the bastard, but he’s got good timing. I’ll give him that.” Greer distracted me; he kept me from freaking out by shocking me instead. After he’d placed the Coke on the table, saying he’d come back for it, he fucking unzipped his pants and said, “This next part is for me. I’ll see you soon, boy. And I’ll be listenin’ in.”

I gaped at him as he then walked over to the door and opened it, followed by zipping his pants back up again.

Oh my God.

Marcus stood there, and he obviously caught the move.

“Oi, you sick son of a bitch. I’ll leave you two alone,” Greer said. “I just needed a li’l somethin’. You know what a spectacular cocksucker that sweetheart is.”

Tags: Cara Dee The Game Erotic