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“They just want the damn dinos.” I shrugged.

“Damn dinos,” Archie echoed with a shake of his head. “You should be proud, Corey. This is incredible.” He was scrolling on his phone. “Goodness, your mentions must be packed with special ed teachers.”

Those and parents.

Greer leaned in to have a look too. “People aren’t set in stone, pet. Even in masses. If you want to draw something else, your audience can be conditioned to make room for more than one project.”

“Shep’s right.” Sloan nodded. “You might lose a few—and gain a whole new crowd.”

I chewed on my thumbnail and side-eyed Sloan.

It was tempting to draw something with him. As long as it was age-appropriate for my usual followers. And I didn’t mind that at all. In fact, I wanted to illustrate for children.

I’d have to talk to Lane and think about—

“Listen up, everyone!” Reese called out.

Gosh. More information?

“That’s my cue.” Greer grunted and stood up.

It hit me that it was time for Mclean House propaganda, and I simply could not let this happen before making a statement of my own. So I hurriedly left my seat and jumped up on the bench, much to the surprise of those around me.

“Excuse me,” I said, cupping my hands around my mouth. “I need to make it clear that I hated every second I took part in this nonsense, and I strongly condemn my participation. I, Corey Cruz, do not approve what these men are about to do!”

Colt and Greer laughed at me, the sadistic jerkheads.

Reese grinned. “Thanks for the added suspense, little one.”

“But you can pipe down and take your seat again, IKEA boy,” Greer told me, chuckling.

IKEA boy?

IKEA boy?!

“You’re goading me, you Canadian fuck,” I accused.

“Oh-ho!” Sadists started seeing opportunities everywhere and cracked up.

“You go, Corey!” Noa cheered. “Daddy, is Greer Canadian?”

“Yes,” KC bullshitted smoothly.

It made me snicker.

Greer smiled thinly and folded his arms over his chest. “Call me that again, Corey.”

I stiffened.

No thank you!

“Sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now. Please leave a message,” I muttered and sat down again.

Sloan hugged me to him, all while shaking with silent laughter.

“That’s fine,” Greer replied. “I heard you the first time. I just wanted to see if you were stupid and ballsy enough to say it twice.”

Meow. I had to bite my tongue from saying a darn thing. Stupid and ballsy, or smart and cowardly? Those couldn’t be my only options.

“I will think long and hard on my response,” I said eventually.

“And we will wait with bated breath on a brat who’s gonna think,” Reese drawled. “We thank Greer and Corey for that opening act—and maybe we’ll see more of them at the next Game—but now we’re gonna set the record straight, once and for all, about the name of our community.”

“You mean House Mclean?” Noa asked.

“How about we vote?” someone called.

Reese snorted and set one of the boxes on the nearest table. “You think this is a fuckin’ democracy?”

“I prefer House Mclean,” Kit stated.

“I’d prefer if you shut your trap, li’l darlin’,” Colt replied.

Reese let out a whistle and summoned Ella and Cam to join him. “I’m gonna take all the damn credit for this idea—with special thanks to our resident graphic designer, Lucas, for giving our brand a new look. Greer, for being the best supply guy we could ask for. Tate, of course, for his knowledge of skincare products. And Corey! Corey and Archie, who put all these things together.”

“I condemn it!” I repeated.

Colt sent me a side-eyed look. “You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’, that’s what you are.”

I stuck out my tongue at him.

The Sadist just smiled at me. “Good to have you back, brat.”

What did he mean by that?

Over the next few minutes, Cam and Ella distributed all the kits, and I did an internal fist pump every time someone complained about the name.

Especially Noa.

“What in the blueberry ball sac is this?!” he yelled.

He was definitely on team House Mclean!

Sloan pressed a kiss to my neck. “I think you need a beating tonight, sweetheart. I’ll have a talk with Greer when we get home.”

Hey! I whipped around to face him as I unwrapped my mint. I mean, nothing would make me happier; I was a masochist like whoa, but I was also a brat, and I resented what he’d said. I had my principles, dammit.

“Why would you say such a thing, Sir?” I stared at him, the traitor.

He tapped me on my nose. “I’m not completely new, and Greer’s told me plenty about how your need for pain manifests itself. It’s difficult for you to unwind now, isn’t it? It’s chaotic in your head?”

I didn’t know about chaotic, but maybe easily distracted and spinny. Like I wanted to jump from one conversation to another, from one situation to another, from one…yeah, okay, a little chaotic.

Case in point, Noa’s next move completely stole my attention. He barged over to Reese, scolded him severely for the “Mclean House bullshit,” only to hug him tightly in the next second and say it was a very sweet and thoughtful gift.

Tags: Cara Dee The Game Erotic