Page 9 of Boy Trouble

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“We’ve all been waiting for this day, son. Damn happy to have you with us here. I remember you following your grandpa around the office like a little puppy dog back in the day,” he recalls with laughter.

“This is the only place I’ve ever wanted to be,” I tell him honestly. Ever since I was a young boy, I knew I wanted to work here and eventually run this place—the one with my last name proudly displayed outside the building. I just didn’t know it would be so soon. I always had the vision of my dad stepping in and taking the helm until I was older, and he and Mom retired.

“I’ve already spoken with Jane and have scheduled a meeting for this Thursday morning. I know your grandpa shared all of the latest financials with you, but I thought we could go over them together.”

“I appreciate it, Cliff. I look forward to meeting with you,” I reply, and continue to make my rounds.

Eventually, when the coffee and danishes are gone and the room clears out, I head to my new office. I know Grandpa is still here somewhere, but he doesn’t immediately follow me. Instead, he gives me time to sit in the chair he’s sat in for decades. It feels the same as it did when I was younger, yet this time, it comes with the weight of a company resting on my shoulders.

Jane knocks on the door before pushing through. “Good afternoon, Mr. Morrison. I have Dallas on the phone from the Miami location, and a request for a meeting with Jeanie James in marketing. It looks like you have some openings in your schedule on Wednesday afternoon, if that works for you.”

I swallow hard and straighten my back.

This is my time.

My family legacy.

It’s time to get to work.

Cameron: You free for dinner this week?

I glance down at the text message from my friend, happy to set aside the plans for the website renovation we’ll undergo later this year.

Me: Wednesday night would be good.

Cameron: Perfect. How about we meet at The Wine Cellar at seven?

Me: I’ll be there.

It’s not every day I have dinner in neighboring businesses outside of our own, especially when we have a perfectly good restaurant downstairs. But I have to admit, The Wine Cellar has been a staple in Merlot forever. Their food is superb and the atmosphere relaxing, a standard every business strives for. Plus, Marley works there.

I’ll admit, I haven’t stopped thinking about her. I haven’t seen her since she drove away Saturday night, but that doesn’t mean my mind hasn’t conjured up images of her at the most inopportune times. You know, like when I’m in the shower and my cock’s so hard I have no choice but to take it in my hand. That’s happened twice, and considering it’s only Monday, that’s awfully telling.

That or I just need to get laid.

It’s been four months since I broke things off with Christine in Chicago. She was smart, beautiful, and driven. She was also banging her boss on the side. Not that we were planning a trip to the altar anytime soon, but I don’t share. When I’m with a woman, I’m with her and only her. Apparently, she didn’t feel the same and carried on with her boss the last two months of our nine-month relationship.

Though I have to admit, it was easier to make the transition back to California without having the entanglement of a woman at my side. We both knew from the beginning our relationship had an expiration date. I was going to head back home to run my family’s company, while she stayed in Chicago and finished law school. Her father was one of the partners at the firm she worked for, her boss the other partner.

Talk about awkward Thanksgiving dinners.

Marley returns, pushing any thoughts of Christine and Chicago out of my head. I could tell she was annoyed as hell I was lingering at the bar Saturday night, but for some reason, I just couldn’t leave. I wanted to stay to make sure she was safe and treated right. That alone is cause for concern. This is Marley. My best friend’s annoying little sister. The one with dirty knees and a big gap between her teeth. The one I used to tease mercilessly any and every chance I got.

Only Marley grew up.

And fuck, is she hot as hell.

I adjust my cock in my trousers, despising the reaction. I have no business lusting after her. No business jacking off in the shower either. Yet I can’t stop thinking about her and that sassy mouth, her annoyance at my presence written across her beautiful face. Maybe it’s because I’m home, and she’s here. But so are dozens of other single women. Maybe I should hit one of the bars in town tonight, instead of ordering up room service, and see what happens.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Billionaire Romance