Page 39 of Boy Trouble

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“I know it may not mean as much coming from an old man like me, but I know, without a doubt, your father would feel the same way. We’re all damn proud of you, son.”

I close my eyes to ward off the tears burning my eyes. When I open my mouth, nothing comes out.

“Go. She’s waiting for you back in bed, and I need to join your grandmother upstairs. I’m sure she’s still waiting up for me,” he states. I’ve always wanted, eventually, a relationship like my grandma and grandpa have, and for the first time I feel like it’s within reach, dangled right in front of my face. Before, I was always too busy working to see it, but now, I look at a relationship as an asset, not a hindrance.

“I’ll talk to you soon. Give Grandma my love.”

“I will, and, Eli? Listen to your heart and the rest will fall into place.”

“Good night.”

“Night,” he replies before signing off.

I sit here for a few minutes and collect my thoughts. Speaking to Grandpa confirmed one thing: I’m in love with Marley. She’s the future I’ve always desired but didn’t want to take stock and look for. Now, it’s right here, directly in front of me.

In my bed.

Which is exactly where I’m going.

To the woman who owns my heart.

Chapter 12


She means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing.

The words play on repeat over and over in my mind like a broken fucking record. Hastily I wipe the tears from my eyes as the elevator hits the first floor. The doors slide open, and I’m rushing through the lobby and out onto the sidewalk like my ass is on fire.

I should have known better. I work here. He’s my boss to a job that I love, and now this. How am I going to go to work on Monday? How am I going to work with him, knowing that he was what? Using me?

She means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing

I guess a leopard really doesn’t change its spots. It’s late, just after midnight, and I don’t know where to go. I don’t want to call Cameron. He’s going to be pissed if he finds out, and I don’t plan on telling him. I’m an adult, and the last thing I want is for their friendship to be ruined. Mom and Dad are both sleeping, and I know if I come home at this hour, not only will I wake them up, but they’re going to grill me on why I’m home in the middle of the night, wearing high heels and Eli’s dress shirt. Shit. I look like a hooker, or better yet, a woman who has just done the walk of shame. In a way, I have. He was using me. I mean nothing to him.

Turning the corner, I see The Hartford Hotel. It’s not as lavish as Morrison, but it’s clean and safe. I can’t be out here on the streets dressed like I am. We live in a safe area, but even I know the dangers that lurk around dark corners.

Holding my bag filled with my clothes tight to my chest, I rush across the street and in through the double glass doors, not stopping until I reach the reception desk.

“Welcome to Hartford Hotels. Do you have a reservation?” a nice older lady about my mom's age asks.

“Hi. No, I don’t. Please tell me you have a vacancy.” My voice is pleading, causing her eyes to soften.

“We sure do. It’s a suite with a king-size bed. I hope that’s okay.”

“Perfect. Thank you. I’d like it for two nights, please.” I might as well make sure I have a place to stay tomorrow night too. Something tells me I’m going to need time to wrap my head around what I heard and steel my heart where Eli is concerned. It’s going to take me time to learn to school my features and pretend he doesn’t matter to me. That our time together was nothing. Especially when it was everything—at least it was to me.

My phone rings from somewhere deep in my bag, but I don’t bother to answer it. I’m pretty sure I know who it is. Instead, I pull out my wallet and slide my credit card across the counter, sign my forms, and accept my room key.

As soon as I step onto the elevator, the tears once again begin to fall. How could he do this to me? To us? I can’t believe I thought that I meant something to him. I let go of all of my old anger and instead opened my heart to him. I allowed myself to fall head over heels in love with him. Stupid. I should have known better. That boy is nothing but trouble.

I’ve barely got the key in the door when my phone rings again. I realize that running was childish, but I needed to get away. I needed to clear my head. However, I don’t want my family to worry, and that will more than likely be his next step. Besides, he doesn’t know that I heard his conversation.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Billionaire Romance