Page 33 of Boy Trouble

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“I guess that means I need to cancel my date for next weekend, huh?” I’m teasing. I don’t have a date. However, after years of him picking on me, he deserves it.

“What? What date? With who? Hell, yes, you need to cancel. In fact, I’d be happy to do that for you.” He’s staring at me with a look that I can’t describe. “Marley,” he growls when I remain quiet.

“I’m teasing,” I say, barely holding onto my laughter. “You deserved that one, admit it.”

“Woman, you’re trying to kill me.” He bows his head, resting it on my shoulder.

“I wanted to see your reaction. This is… surreal. That we’re here together in this bed after the past that we have.”

“It’s a dream come true.” He bats his eyelashes.

“Stop.” I splutter with laughter, pushing him off me. “I really need to shower.”

“Give me ten minutes. I’ll shower and then take you to your place to do the same. Maybe we can grab something to eat before meeting Cameron.”

“Uh, that’s probably not the best plan.”

“Why?” He tilts his head to the side as if I’m a puzzle he’s trying to solve.

“I’m living with my parents.”


“And, are you sure we’re there? I mean, this is all happening fast, Eli. You don’t want to burn that bridge. It’s bad enough that you’ve already told Cameron before we even really talked about this”—I wave my hand between us—“and what we are.”

“Well, we’ve talked, and we’re on the same page. I’m not hiding this from anyone. I fought it, Marley. I told myself that you were off-limits. First, because you’re Cam’s little sister, and then as my employee. I’m tired of pretending that I don’t want you. I refuse to hide us. You’re not a dirty little secret. We can be professional at the office, and I’ll try to control my hands and my mouth when we’re around your parents and brother, but, babe, this is us. It’s the real deal. Fast or not, we’ve known each other for years. I’m not a stranger to you or to them.”

“You feel like a stranger.”

“Explain that.” His brow is furrowed as he tries to work out what my words mean.

“I’m still trying to reconcile the man from the last twenty-four hours with the man who used to call me Bob and constantly tease me.”

Instantly his face is shadowed with regret. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for that. For all of it. It’s the only way I knew how to keep myself away from you. To keep you away from me. The moment I came back to town, it’s been different. No matter how hard I tried to keep you tucked away on the off-limits box, it just never happened. I couldn’t ignore the way your smile lights up your eyes or the way your laugh seems to find a way to reach into my chest and wrap around my heart. I’m not strong enough to fight it anymore, and I don’t want to. I want this. I want us. I don’t know what that means, or what it’s going to look like six weeks or even six months from now.” He pauses. I watch as his throat bobs as he swallows hard.

“I know what I want it to look like. I know that… you’re all that I can think about. You’re the only woman that I see.”

Running my fingers through his hair, I give myself some time to process his words. “I hear you. You’re not alone in what you’re feeling. Just be patient with me as I try to process this in my head. It’s a big adjustment. You’ve told my brother that you want to be with me, and now you want to tell my parents too.”

“Because this is real for me, Marley. Look, I know that you have no reason to trust me after the way I’ve treated you over the years. Just give me a chance to prove to you that this is what I want. That us, you and me, are a for-sure thing.”

I nod. “I can do that.”

“And we’re not hiding. So, give me ten minutes, and we’ll get you home so you can shower and change. While we’re there, you should maybe pack a bag for the rest of the weekend. Maybe even toss in something to wear to work on Monday.” He winks.

“I’m not moving in with you.” I’m sure my eyes are bugging out of my head right now.

“Not yet.” He smacks a kiss to my lips and rolls out of bed, leaving me to watch as he disappears into the bathroom with my jaw hanging open.

On the way to my parents’, I texted my mom to give her a heads-up. I didn’t tell them where I was staying last night, just that I wasn’t coming home. However, I wanted to make sure I gave her and Dad some time to process where I was. I’m an adult and lived on my own for four years of college, but I’m still their daughter, their little girl, and Eli is like a second son to them. I have no idea how this is going to play out.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Billionaire Romance