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Heavy emotions flitted across her face as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. It was a mixture of pity and…remorse? No, that couldn’t be right.

Just as I went to reassure her that she didn’t need to feel bad for me, her door burst open and the last person I expected to see practically stumbled in. “You fucking freak!” she screamed at me, pointing her manicured finger as she breathed heavily. “I knew there was something wrong with you.”

Glancing back at Hannah to see if she had any clue what Chloe was talking about, it finally clicked into place. The remorse on her face had been correct. She wouldn’t even make eye contact with me now, her shame smattered across her face and evident in the way her shoulders sagged.

She had fucking played me like a fiddle, further proving my distrust of humans. What was the point of this, though?

Was she wanting me to lose my scholarship so I would be kicked out? Is that why she had tried to convince me to ruin Chloe? No, that couldn’t be the entire story, because if it was, she wouldn’t have wanted me to stay after I said no to her plan.

“What did you do?” I demanded of her, ignoring Chloe.

“Get out of Hannah’s room! She isn’t your friend. Go back to your dorm and continue your spells, you little witch,” Chloe huffed, pulling my attention to her as she placed her hands on her hips in defiance.

Pushing to my feet, I placed the wine glass on the dresser next to me before squaring off with the platinum blonde, blue-eyed devil. “What do you mean by that?”

She sneered at me as she walked towards me, her stilettos clicking against the floor loudly. “I went into your room while you were in here.”

My blood boiled at the intrusion of privacy. Gritting my teeth, I clenched my hands at my sides.

As she stopped in front of me, her eyes narrowed. “Your illusions don’t scare me. But you know what should scare you? The fact that you’ll be kicked out of this college by tomorrow when I tell the President that we’re harboring a supernatural.”

Despite my utter rage about her going into my room and me falling for this trap to get me out of there, I tucked it away, not wanting to give her the satisfaction. Instead, I let indifference spread through me, numbing out my emotions as I raised a single brow and laughed. “Are you kidding me? How the hell would you prove something like that when there isn’t a drop of magic within me?”

“I’ll prove it,” she bit back before turning and pointing to the door. “Get the fuck out.”

This moment was exactly why I had decided it was me against the world. For a brief second, I had hoped I would have a friend here, and now I was doing the walk of shame after being so easily manipulated.

All I had wanted to do was to help Hannah, because I wished someone would do the same for me.

“Gladly,” I muttered and shouldered past her.

I’d need to figure out how the hell she’d picked my locks, but for now, there were cookies calling my name, along with my world to escape into to help heal the pain. They’d never let me down… Right?

“Alex, I’m sorry,” Hannah called out as I walked out of the room.

"Don’t call me that,” I snapped finally without looking back. “As a matter of fact, just never speak to me again.”

Before I could give her or Chloe a second more of my time, I crossed to my door and opened it, surveying my room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, which was odd seeing as Chloe had come in here for a reason. Maybe she’d hidden something. I’d have to keep an eye out in my own fucking space.

Heaving a sigh, I slammed the door shut behind me and flicked the light off before sinking to the floor.

Why did I do this to myself? I should have said no when Hannah asked me to come over. I should have listened to my gut telling me something was off. But damn, I hadn’t realized how badly I’d wanted to believe in someone until this moment.

I wanted someone to prove me wrong and to be my friend.

I wanted support.

I wanted love.


Startled, I jolted, glancing around for the voice that had just called out. With a shaky voice, I called out, “Hello?”

This time, no voice answered. Instead, three glowing pairs of eyes stared back at me in the darkness of my room.

Green, red, and blue.

The same as my monsters.

Tags: R.L. Caulder The Creatures We Crave Fantasy