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I stare at him, too stunned to speak. I force myself to take a deep breath and finally manage to give him an address. I need some serious quiet time to think everything over, to digest and settle, and I know I won’t be able to do that with the ever-present hoard following Hunter around.

I need space.

Chapter 34

Tip #34: Timing is everything and I have none.


People blow everything out of proportion, as they are wont to do. Anything for the sake of entertainment and generating clicks, right?

It’s quite frankly stupid how quickly the videos circulate. Half of the internet is, for some reason, infatuated with me while the other half is madly trying to figure out the nature of my relationship with Eden.

It’s a PR nightmare.

I was always wary of things like this. The general public doesn’t understand the concept of privacy where celebrities are concerned.If you wanted privacy, you shouldn’t have chosen to be famousis an argument that I hear a lot. It’s all fucking bullshit, of course, but right now, it’s not my biggest worry.

“What do you mean she isn’t home yet?” I yell into my phone.

“I don’t know how I can make that any clearer, mister,” Taylor sasses me on the other end of the line.

“Have you tried texting her?”

“Duh. That was, like, the first thing I did!”

I grind my teeth, frustration mounting. Not just at Taylor’s unhelpful attitude, but at myself. It took me far too long to fend off those fucking photographers. I don’t know how they managed to barge in, and I sure as fuck don’t know why security wasn’t able to deescalate the situation. I was trapped on all sides, blinding lights going off every few seconds, all the while worried shitless about Eden only to find out that she was gone.

She left without the approval of her doctor. I can only imagine why she’d do something so drastic. Could it be that she was afraid? Why didn’t she call me for help? I have so many questions, but not enough time. I need to know where the hell she went so I at least know she’s safe.

“You call me the second you hear anything,” I tell Taylor. “I don’t care what time it is. Youcall.”

“Yes, sir!” she replies. I can’t tell if she’s being sarcastic or not. Most likely yes.

I’m back in my office at Star Rider Studios. I went to Eden’s apartment to check and see if she was there first, then to my place. Neither Taylor nor Mei-Lee have seen her. I figure Eden might try the office since the paparazzi can’t follow her through the security gate here. It’s not exactly Fort Knox, but she’d at least be safe here.

I lean back in my chair and close my eyes. This day can’t get any worse.

A sudden knock at my door has me springing out of my seat.


“No,” Annabeth says softly, stepping inside. “Just me.”

I sigh. “Dammit.”

“Still no word?”

“I think her phone might be off.”

“And what about her roommate?”

“Hasn’t seen her.”

Annabeth frowns as she walks over to my desk. She leans against the edge, picking anxiously at her fingernails. “I’m sure everything’s fine. She’s a smart girl. Tough.”

I nod, but don’t say anything. I already know all of that.

Doesn’t stop the ache in my chest.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance