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It’s crazy how safe I feel in his arms. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t have everything figured out and that’s totally okay. Even if my head is swarming with unanswered questions, being with Hunter never fails to make me feel at ease. I feel confident enough to let my walls down around him.

The only question is, does he feel comfortable enough to do the same for me?

Chapter 20

Tip #20: Find someone who indulges your interests.


There’s a lot to admire about Eden. I enjoy watching her work when she thinks I’m not looking. She always makes sure to finish the tasks I’ve assigned her before pulling open her drawer to sneakily whip out her MCAT workbook. She thinks she’s being discreet, but the thing ismassive—practically a brick.

I know she missed the exam date. I saw it written on her calendar at her apartment, but Eden made no effort to ask for the day off or even mention that she had somewhere else to be. I don’t feel bad, per se. She knows I need her here, but she also knows that she can book off time if she needs to. Still, I’ll admit that I’ve been keeping her too busy to study —both at work and otherwise. But I don’t want to interfere with her future, which should include medical school if that’s what she wants.

My phone dings. It’s Charlie.

Walton’s paid in full. I can’t thank you enough. I promise to pay you back.

Good. There’s no hurry.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and exhale deeply. What the fuck was Charlie thinking asking Walton for money? Jack Walton may be able to lure people in with deals that look fair —maybe even too good to be true— on the surface, but I know the truth. I used to be nothing in this town, when I didn’t have a penny to my name or an inch of respect. I had no choice but to be his lapdog. The things he made me do to those who couldn’t pay…

I shudder.

It was a long time ago. I’ve tried to make things right since then, tried to fix what I left broken. The only person I couldn’t help was Thomas, and now that Walton’s back, all I can do is worry. He’s the kind of devil who knows how to wait for an opportune moment. He can smell desperation like a bloodhound, one that can sink his teeth in just the right spot to trap you forever.

And Eden just had to slap the bastard.

I’m proud of her, but it’s also the stupidest thing she could have done. She doesn’t know it, but she may have drawn a target on her back. The thought of Walton coming after her strikes fear in me. A protective surge floods my veins.

If he tries anything, I’ll kill him.

It’s late, nearing nine in the evening. I’ve kept Eden far longer than necessary and entirely for selfish reasons. I like having her near, to talk to or sometimes just to look at. She has a calming presence. She isn’t at all chaotic or loud like most young women her age running around Sunset Boulevard trying to record their stupid TikToks. I like that about Eden. She doesn’t need the anonymous attention.

“Mr. Stride?” she says softly.


“I think you should call it a day.”


“Because you’ve been staring through me for the past five minutes.”

I shake my head. “Not through. At.”

Eden grins. “Such a smooth talker.”

“I have to be. We’re in show business, after all.”

She rises from her desk, turning off her work computer and flicking off her desk lamp. I enjoy her walk over, allowing my eyes to drag over her body. She stands tall and confident, a complete one-eighty to the vulnerable young woman I had curled up on my lap. I like that she can be both with me, two sides of the same coin.

Eden positions herself behind my chair, casually draping her arms over my shoulders so that her hands can slip down my chest. Her nimble little fingers undo the top buttons of my shirt, giving her access to my bare skin.

“How much work do you have left?” she murmurs against my ear, nipping suggestively at my lobe. Her breath is warm and sweet against my cheek.

“Why? Do you miss me?” I adore how she shivers, her breath hitching softly in her throat. I chuckle, reaching up to turn her face so I can capture her lips. “Let me send off one more email and then we can go grab a bite to eat.”

She smiles against my mouth. “As you wish, Mr. Stride.”

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance