Page 64 of One-Night Stand

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Chapter Five

Miranda was on herway to Nik’s office the next day when she saw its glass doors swing open and Nik Alexandropoulos coming out. “Leaving for a meeting?”

Nik stilled at the sound of his fiancée’s voice. Damn. Just the last person he wanted to see right now, he thought. But when he faced Miranda, his expression had been schooled to hide his thoughts, and his movement was unhurried as he bent down to kiss her on the cheek.

“I was thinking we could have lunch together while we discuss a few things about the wedding,” Miranda murmured.

Pulling away, he said, “Tomorrow would be a better time.” He paused then said reluctantly, “I have a meeting with Daria in the conference room.” As his mistress, Miranda had no right to demand answers, but she wasn’t just his mistress now, was she? He had also agreed to marry her, and even though it was a purely business arrangement, his personal honor dictated that he at least let her know what he planned to do.

“Oh.” Miranda did her best to keep smiling. “I see.” And she should see, since she was the one who had suggested this. So why did she suddenly want to tell Nik she had changed her mind and she wanted both of them to have nothing to do with Daria Everest?

Nik studied his mistress’ face when she took too long to reply. She was a beautiful woman, and the way her little black dress contrasted with her fair skin only made her more stunning. Angelic even. If there was one imperfect thing about her, then it would probably that she was perfect, which made her almost seem...inhuman.

When Miranda seemed neither inclined to speak nor let him pass, Nik said flatly, “You can still change your mind.”

She knew Nik wasn’t offering out of pity. It was just the way he was, with his old-fashioned sense of honor. But even so, she just couldn’t shake the feeling that Nik did pity her in some way, and the thought made Miranda lift her chin. “Of course not, darling.” She tiptoed to place a kiss on his cheek. “I won’t begrudge you this. She’s yours to fuck until you have your revenge.”

Miranda’s last words stayed with him even after they had parted ways when the elevator took her back to her floor and he stayed on to reach the fifteenth level.

Although a large part of Nik violently rejected the way Miranda had described his arrangement with Daria, he also knew it was no different from what he himself had done yesterday with Daria.

Miranda had only spoken the truth. Daria was a woman only meant for fucking, and he was the idiot who had thought otherwise.


DARIA QUICKLY CAMEto her feet the moment the door to the conference room opened. She had memorized her introduction to the letter, worked hard last night on her mood board, and she had taken the time to craft several handmade samples of the menu and name cards for the kids’ tables in Miranda’s planned wedding. As far as she was concerned, it was a wedding that wasn’t going to happen, but even so she didn’t want to do her job half-assed.

Nik was the first one to enter the room, looking imposingly beautiful in his dark gray suit. She managed a polite smile, not wanting to accidentally give anything away about their past. She waited for other people to come in, but instead the door swung shut behind Nik...and remained shut.

Daria blinked. “Umm, I thought this was a meeting with the design team?”

“You thought wrong.” Ice sheathed Nik’s voice, and she realized then that Nik was in the worst of moods. A moment later, and she was gasping, caught by surprise as Nik yanked her to him, his mouth crushing hers. Heat mingled with surprise, but before she could even decide whether she wanted to kiss him back or ask what was wrong, Nik had moved again.

Tearing his mouth off hers, Nik flipped her around and pushed her down on the conference table. Her shock intensified when she felt Nik reach for her panties under her skirt—-

A whimper escaped her as she heard the silk rip, and she couldn’t help whimpering again when she heard Nik unzipping himself.

She thought of stopping him. Of telling him that he couldn’t do this – couldn’t just start taking her underwear off to fuck her without saying a word.

But she didn’t.

Because who was she kidding? She was already wet at the thought of having Nik make love to her, her body trembling and becoming extra sensitive by the second.

When she felt the head of his cock nudge against the slick entrance of her sex from behind, Daria’s knees started to buckle and she hurriedly gripped the edge of the table with one hand while the other curled into a fist on the surface.

Another second, and he was sliding inside her—-

Up, up, up, up, up——

The full length of Nik’s engorged cock entered her.

Oh God, she had missed this!

It was bliss. Sheer total bliss. The pleasure was so acutely perfect that her eyes rolled back and her mouth parted in a silent moan. Behind her, Nik had released a low growl, and his fingers dug hard into the sides of her hips as he started to thrust.

Each thrust felt deeper and harder, and her fingers tightened around the table’s edge as the force of Nik’s thrusts rocked her body.

“Nik.” She couldn’t help gasping his name, couldn’t help shuddering as the rhythm of his thrusts changed. It was more raw and rougher now, and oh God, she couldn’t get enough of it.

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic