Page 52 of One-Night Stand

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She not only knew she had been able to fool him. She also knew who he was. Whether she knew he was Nik Alexandropoulos from the start was immaterial. The point was, she had found out about him somewhere along the way and it was the only reason she was begging for him now, doing everything she could to hold on to him.

Daria only managed to catch up to Nik when he had to knock on Miranda’s cabin and wait for her to open the door.

“Nik, please.” Daria curled her fingers around his elbow, but again he jerked himself out of her hold. He turned to look at her, and she could see in his eyes that he still distrusted her, that she still sickened him. She couldn’t blame him for it, knew the sight of her was hurting him, but even so, she just couldn’t give up on him.

“Nik, you have to listen.” She grabbed his hand and locked her fingers with his as painfully tight as she could. He stiffened at her touch, but this time, she held on to him with all her might, not letting him pull away. “I’m sorry I lied, but you have to understand—-”

The door opened behind Nik, and the sight of Miranda made her stop speaking.

The other woman looked back at her with inscrutable eyes, but Daria knew that Miranda was sizing everything up. A moment later, the other woman stepped out. There was no animosity in her face – nothing but a polite expression – as she reached for Daria’s hand.

Slowly, Miranda peeled her fingers away from Nik’s hand—-

And Daria let her.

How could she not when this woman made her feel everything about her was wrong for Nik?

This woman wasn’t clingy like her. This woman wasn’t a liar like her. This woman hadn’t made a mess of her life the way Daria had.

This woman deserved Nik, the way Daria never could.

When Nik’s hand was completely free of Daria’s, Miranda stepped between them, like a blonde angel protecting a mortal from a succubus. If it didn’t hurt so much, Daria would have laughed.

“I don’t know what happened between the two of you, and I’m sorry, Ms. Everest, but I don’t care to ask you either.” Miranda’s voice was perfectly polite, and the sound was like rubbing salt to the hemorrhaging wound in her heart.

This woman really did deserve Nik, Daria couldn’t help thinking numbly. If she had been in Miranda’s shoes, she would have turned into a virago, would have kicked another woman’s butt for trying to make a move on her man.

“All I know is that you’re causing a scene, something that I don’t deserve.” Daria’s gaze strayed down when Miranda shifted as she spoke, and that was when she saw Miranda reaching for Nik’s hand from behind. She watched their fingers link, and even Daria’s own mind started to crack at the sight of it.

“You may think that by running after him, you’re going to make him remember you, maybe change his mind, but you won’t. Nik and I have known each other for years, while you’re just some...” Miranda paused, as if unable to say something so vile.

“The point is, Nik and I have a life in New York City, and it won’t include you. I will never make him feel guilty about his time with you. Instead, I’m going to love him even more until he forgets you completely.”

Miranda looked up at Nik, and her voice gentled. “You can talk to her one last time, Nik. I know you need to.”

She went back inside the cabin without glancing once at Daria’s way, leaving the door open behind her.

And that put her in her place, didn’t it, Daria thought numbly. Miranda was a class act. She was a...shitty act. There was just no comparison, and only the thought – the memory of what she had seen in Nik’s eyes, what she had heard in Nik’s voice – kept her there, fighting for the smallest chance that he could love her again.

It didn’t matter how long Miranda and Nik had known each other. Didn’t matter if they were engaged. Nik had loved her, and if there was any chance she could make him forgive her—-

“Nik...” Seeing Nik tense at hearing her speak made Daria’s stomach curl up. Did he hate hearing the sound of her voice now? Did it make him feel like a fool for wanting a liar – a slut – like her?

She started to speak again, but Nik didn’t let her. “I guess my fiancée hasn’t made it clear enough for you.” His voice was steely, his eyes a perfect match. “I don’t ever want to see you again, Ms. Everest.”

The door closed behind Nik before she could even get over the pain of hearing him not call her by her name.

Leave now, her mind ordered. Stop letting them see your pain, her heart urged.

But somehow, she couldn’t make herself move. Were they looking at her through the peephole right now? Would it matter if they did?

God, I messed up again.

Her eyes stung as she forced her tears back.

I’m sorry.

The words came out of nowhere, and she wasn’t even sure whom she was apologizing to. Nik? God? Or herself? Did it matter?

All Daria knew was that she was alone.

And this time, she was starting to believe someone like her deserved to be alone.

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic