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ALICE’SBRAINSHORTEDas thousands of volts jolted through her. Her legs trembled when Adoni buried his face in her hair, his big body so close heat radiated out, encompassing her.

She recognised desire from that night in London. It quaked through her. Just like when she’d watched Adoni dance. Others had danced too, arms extended, lunging and leaping, but she’d noticed only him.

He’d done something to her from the start. It was more than attraction, stronger than desire. She had no vocabulary for it except, perhaps, need.

Was it because he’d introduced her to sex so she was conditioned now to respond to him? Except, if it were just sex, why did she want to discover everything about Adoni? Why had she been so eager for information about him from tonight’s guests?

Abruptly Adoni lifted his head, his eyes on hers, and the breath escaped her lungs in a rush.

‘I want you, Alice.’

It was a statement, bold and direct. Yet surely a question too, for he didn’t move a muscle. She felt tension in the air, transfixing her.

Or maybe it was her wayward body refusing to be sensible and retreat. Surely if she moved he’d release her?

Except she didn’t want to retreat. She shut her eyes and felt the ripple of excitement spread to her breasts, peaked and full against her nightie, to her womb and the damp place between her legs, right down to her toes and even up to her ears. Her body was one eager erogenous zone, twanging and shivering in anticipation of his touch.

‘And you want me.’

Her eyes snapped open. In this light she couldn’t make out the colour of his eyes, but there was no mistaking the intensity of that glittering gaze.

Alice couldn’t even think of lying. The truth had haunted her since the night they’d met.


The word came on a huge sigh of relief. Pride and fear had made her try to hide it but it was undeniable.

‘Well, then.’ Adoni’s mouth kicked up in a smile that jolted through her. ‘Let’s not waste any more time.’

He scooped her up, one arm at her back, the other beneath her bare legs, and strode back the way he’d come. As he stepped into a large shadowy bedroom, Alice wondered if she’d left her common sense behind on the balcony. But she didn’t care. She’d never wanted anything so much.

He lowered her to the floor beside the bed. In almost the same movement his hands swept up, collecting her threadbare old nightie and briskly, ruthlessly whipping it up over her head.

Alice’s breath snagged in surprise. Automatically she slid one arm across her breasts, the other hand down to the V between her legs.

Adoni’s chest rose and fell abruptly, as if he couldn’t get his breath. He said something she didn’t catch, something in Greek that buzzed along her skin like swarming bees, soft yet dangerous.

It took everything she had to stand, facing that intense stare. But she wanted him, so badly.

‘Why hide such a beautiful body?’

She opened her mouth to say she’d never bared herself to any man except him, and then he’d held her, not stood, surveying her. But she bit her tongue. He wouldn’t believe that.

How could she want to give herself to a man who distrusted her?

Yet she did. Especially when he gently tugged her arms wide and sighed his pleasure, his eyes devouring her.

Adoni wasn’t an ogre. Look at the way he’d cared for her, twice, when faced with her morning sickness.

Now, instead of embarrassment, Alice felt a surge of power and pride, reading his dazzled expression and the faint tremor in those hard hands. His gaze dropped to her stomach and he planted one large palm gently there, where deep inside their baby nestled.

This time the throb of sensation passing through her was pure emotion. A mix of feelings she couldn’t untangle, but awe was there at the miracle they’d created, and delight as she read the same in his face.

Warmth spread, a desire to protect and nurture, not just her child but, to her amazement, the man before her. It was akin to the need she’d felt to cuddle him close when he’d spent himself inside her and, for a few precious moments, collapsed in a gasping huddle on top of her.

‘You’ve got too many clothes on,’ she murmured.

Tags: Annie West Billionaire Romance