Page 17 of The Grim Reapers

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I refuse to do that.

I won’t cave.

I just can’t let him touch me again.

“What’s on your mind?” Robyn asks. “No more eye candy to look at so we might as well talk about something else.”

I laugh, and it’s not forced at all. “I just want today to be the start of the rest of my life.”

“That’s the spirit! There’s no reason to let anyone get you down.”

“Who says I’m down?”

“I know we only just met,” Robyn says slowly, “but I’m not an idiot. Rob said something to you that you didn’t care for.”

“Oh, no. He’s fine. Whatever. Water under the bridge. I’m good.”

“And the class you had earlier?”

“I actually had two classes already.”

“Oh, wow. Look at you, girl! A real morning owl, huh?”

“Or maybe I figured I could get my classes out of the way and have my afternoons for homework and then nights for freedom.”

“No homework yet, right? Usually not until the second class, but it does depend on the major and the professors. What is your major, by the way?”


“Nice. I’m accounting. It’s not the most thrilling major, but my mom is an accountant, and I could always work with her.”

“What about your dad?”

“He still wants me to work here, and I’ve thought about it, and I might check it out. See how much the benefits are, the salary for each… Who knows? Best to keep an open mind, you know?”

“Without a doubt,” I assure her.

“And not just with guys, huh?” Robyn laughs and bumps her shoulder into me. “Chin up, Katie! Everything will work out, and if Rob gives you a hard time, just kick him where he counts.”

“Because that’ll go over well.”

“Maybe the legend needs to be put into his place. You looked really upset. I had to go over. Or… were you two having a moment?”

“No! Nothing like that!”

“Hmm. If I didn’t know any better, I would think the lady doth protests too much.”

“Me? Nope. Not at all. I know what I want, and that’s to focus on school. Seriously.”

“Just don’t forget to have fun, all right? Promise me?”

“Did you forget my schedule already? Classes in the morning so the nights can be all freed up.”

“Smart girl. And maybe it is better to not get entangled with Rob and the other Grim Reapers—”

“Wait, what? Grim Reapers?”

“Those four guys are the only ones on campus who are part of a motorcycle club.”

Tags: Lexi Archer Romance