Page 11 of The Grim Reapers

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No, I don’t. Why would I hate him? I mean he’s just so… so… He’s still delicious, even if he’s being an ass and doesn’t even remember me. I guess the sex must not have been as good for him as it had been for me.

“So, no, I don’t think it’s too much to want an apology. To expect one? No, I wouldn’t say I expect it, but… I will say that I enjoyed watching you walk away from me before when you wore that sexy as sin pink bikini.”

So he does remember me.

“My ego is just fine, thank you very much.” His smirk is back, but his blue eyes are twinkling in a way I don’t recall them ever shining back on that cruise ship. “I don’t need you to stroke my ego, but if you want to stroke something else…”

“Unreal. You think that you can just pretend…”

I hate that I’m left floundering, but I really don’t know what to say or how to react. He’s caught me off guard, and I can’t say for certain if he had been walking or if I had plowed into a man who was just standing there. Because Rob isn’t a kid. I would find it almost impossible to believe he’s a freshman like I am. I had been too busy on the phone with Erika to see anyone else around me. Maybe he’s telling the truth.

But that damn smirk. I just can’t be convinced that he isn’t to blame as well.

I shake my head and try to slow my racing heartbeat. Why is my heart beating stupid fast? This wasn’t how he had been on the cruise. If he had been this pompous and arrogant, we never would’ve ended up in bed together.

Or maybe we would’ve. I needed a release, a way to feel like I was in control still.

But that’s a lie. None of us, not any of us, is ever in control. It’s just an illusion we tell ourselves to try to feel better, but it’s not real.

Control is nothing more than a cruel trickster.

And I have a feeling Rob is a trickster too.

“I can just pretend what?” Rob asks.

Damn him. I stop talking because I didn’t know where I was going with that.

But I offer him a winning smile. “You can tell yourself that it was just my fault—”

“For all I know, you did it on purpose.”

“I didn’t see you standing there. I’m sorry. I was a little preoccupied.”

“Talking about cocks.”

Shit. He had been eavesdropping. I hadn’t been talking all that loudly, but he had been close enough to overhear me.

“Jealous?” I ask him.

“Why would I be?” he asks lazily.

I can’t help bristling. I don’t know why, but he’s really getting under my skin.

I guess the illusion’s worn off. I’ll even bet those stupid sex dreams will finally end now. I just can’t with him. I just can’t.

“Well, it seems like the world is a lot smaller than either of us ever thought,” I say, my head still spinning from knowing my sex god is here. “I’ll be sure to keep an eye out so that I’ll never run into you again. Happy?”

He just stares at me, his eyes half-lidded, as if he doesn’t give a damn one way or the other.

Which Rob is the real one? The one who swept me off my feet back on the cruise? Or had that been an act? What do you want to bet that he had sex with as many girls as he could on that ship? I bet I’m just a number to him, and his number of sex partners has to be so much higher than my own.

Whatever. We’re never going to have sex again, so it doesn’t matter.

What if he’s the only guy who can make me come with his cock? What if he spoiled and ruined all other guys for me for the rest of my life?

“If you’ll excuse me,” I say stiffly, and I go to walk away, but another guy is walking by just then so I have to wait for him to go before I can take a step.

And with that step, my sandal snaps. I stumble, and my sandal goes flying off my foot, landing a few feet away.

Tags: Lexi Archer Romance