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Lila sounded a little sad. His heart ached for her. Marco knew that aside from John, she didn’t have plenty of friends where she used to live, people she could count on, and both her parents were dead.

“Okay, then,” Lila began. “What’s with the police earlier?”

“There are some aspects of my business you don’t need to know about. The rule’s the same for the women in the Familia,” he said. “Let’s just say the chief needed my help.”

More like Miller gave him a headache, another mess to clean up, but tonight, Marco wanted to think about more pleasant things, like what he intended to do to Lila’s sweet body.

“I see. Giovanni handed you the reins of the business recently. How’s it like, finally being the boss?” she asked.

“Work keeps me busy,” he answered.

Talking with Lila felt good. He didn’t need to hide anything from her because of her father. Would Stefano be dancing in his grave right now if he knew what Marco was up to? He respected Lila’s old man. She got her streak of stubbornness and yards of guts from Stefano, but Marco had zero intentions of backing away from this path.

They spoke about more mundane things. He felt himself relaxing, letting his guard down around her. They understood each other, back then and now. He’d only spoken to her a few times when they’d been younger, but it had been enough.

Marco paid for dinner and they left the restaurant. “Let’s go for a walk around the neighborhood,” he suggested.

He’d texted Alejandro and Antonio—the two men watching his back today, earlier and told them to get dinner. His brother Matthias and his trusted lieutenant Ryker always told him to have someone with him at all times. Just in case. Marco knew this neighborhood. No one would dare touch him here and besides, he could take care of himself and Lila for a few hours.

Lila shivered. Must be the cold, he thought, taking off his jacket and placing it over her shoulders.

“Thanks. I forgot my cardigan,” she said.

“Not a problem.” Marco liked seeing his clothes on her. He could already picture her wearing nothing but one of his big shirts in his apartment. That image would be reality soon, he mused.

“Truthfully, I’m a little glad to be back here,” she confessed to him. “Gino’s already taken me out twice and I’ve met some of his friends. Recognized some of them, because they were my dad’s old buddies. It’s nice. He’s like the uncle I never had. Almost feels like having a family again.”

Marco heard the longing in her voice, the loneliness, and decided to eradicate it completely. She would never feel alone again. He’d make sure of it.

“You’re too young to hanging out with old geezers like Gino,” he said. “Do you remember my adopted sister Sky? I’ll give you her number. It’ll be good if you meet the other women in the Familia, women your age.”

“Sky? She’s always been nice to me, but we’ve lost contact over the years.” Lila paused. “What do you mean it’ll be good?”

Marco regarded her for a few moments. He’d never bother mincing his words so he told her the truth outright. Lila had stuck around when other women would’ve run by now. She deserved to know what the future lay in store for her.

“I expect you to be a permanent fixture in my life.”

Lila halted in her footsteps, widening her eyes. “Marco, you don’t know what you’re saying.”

He faced her, placed his hands over her shoulders, and brought her close. Her breasts pressed against his shirt. His dick woke up. Marco’s want went up another notch, grew almost unbearable. It felt like he had a beast inside his skin, eager to tear its way out of him. Take what rightfully belonged to him.

Lila was it for him.

Marco knew it from the moment they’d first kissed, back when she’d only been fifteen. A daring, playful, and girlish wraith who’d grown up and turned into this captivating woman. She claimed she was weak for falling for a man like John, but everyone made mistakes. She stood up to a bastard like Crane where others would have crumbled. Lila possessed steel in her spine and didn’t even know it.

“I know,” he said, cupping her cheek so she looked right at him.

“You don’t need to pretend with me,” she said, tone light. “We’re both adults. I know what I’m getting into. Men like you—”

Marco tangled his fingers into her hair, tugging her closer. He silenced her with a kiss. She didn’t know what she was saying, probably confused. He’d make her understand the easiest way he knew how. He plundered her mouth. She tasted of tiramisu and coffee as she kissed him back. Fierce little thing.

Marco drew his mouth back. “There are no other men like me,” he told her simply. “Lila, I’ve watched you. I’m done waiting.”

Hearing hurried footsteps running toward him, them, made Marco react on instinct. He pulled Lila behind him and reached for the gun tucked in his belt. Marco studied his surroundings, assessing the situation calmly.

They had wandered quite a distance away from the restaurant and entered the park without Marco realizing it. He’d been so lost in her, in their moment, and now someone had to fuck up all his hard work. That pissed him off.

A man in his early thirties ran toward them. He wore a hoodie, torn jeans, and sneakers. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was wild and sticking up in all directions. Marco’s adrenaline spiked up. Everything moved in slow motion. The man whipped out a gun tucked in his pants, his hand on the trigger. Marco also had his gun out by then and pointed it steadily at the guy.

Tags: Winter Sloane Erotic